----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Waters" <mikew...@gmail.com>
To: "topband" <topband@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Lightning QRN season?

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 4:26 PM, ZR <z...@jeremy.mv.com> wrote:

I would think that with optimized F/R for your Beverages that at least one
path would be somewhat quiet.

They do indeed sometimes help reduce the QRN from some thunderstorms,
particularly if they are in a nearby state (higher angle) and perpendicular
to the desired direction. But they are only 580' (1λ on 160 and a 3 dB
beamwidth of 90 degrees). And I do have one Beverage that seems to have a
degraded F/B ratio, and I need to go out there and check it out.

What I need are longer Beverages. I could put up 900' Beverages in some
directions here.
Or better yet, two parallel Beverages staggered end-fire, if it's practical
to do that and still have them bi-directional.

Try loading coils or other methods to double the electrical length.
Try BOG's or near BOG's

Crank in as much front end attenuation as practical to reduce the static effect on the crystal filters. I can switch up to 30dB in plus bypass the first preamp in the TS-950SD. Also use the notch filter to lower the backround noise.

When the going gets tuff the tuff get going.

I was on 160 AM for a few hours last eve and QSO's out to 300-450 miles
was good copy with stations at the 100W level at both ends. Northern Maine,
Buffalo, WPA, and others were worked with ... 100W ...

It seems that your part of the country generally has less lightning in the
evenings lately, according
http://www.intellicast.com/Storm/Severe/Lightning.aspx which I check daily.

It varies and I dont know how sensitive that site is to very localized and short lived storm cells which are very common in this area

I guess I'm just too impatient. I was hoping someone would reply to my
original question with something to the effect of "it is reasonable to
expect a few days per month with no lightning in the USA beginning around
the third week of August", but I realize that was just wishful thinking.

I was able to finish my legal limit amplifier only two weeks before the QRN
really began, and it never let up (at least in the evening, when I am most
active) for a single day so far. So, I'm really anxious to see what the
possibilities are from this QTH with the new amp, the inverted-L, and the
two bi-directional Beverages.

73, Mike

Maximize the receiving capability and dont fight Mother Nature!



Topband Reflector

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