> A lot of hams on 160m have been similarly "shocked". :-)
At the time my source for antenna projects were the Bill Orr Books, and the 5/8 
Vertical idea came from the "All About Vertical Antennas" Book. Getting 3dB 
with some wire and a balloon sounded pretty good. 
By now I have seen most of the graphs and realize that there is such a thing as 
too low of a radiation angle on 160m. Especially true if you are in between 
costal hills like we were.
My interest now is more of getting my Son KK6DOC involved, and flying a Balloon 
Vertical I think would be fun for a kid. 

> Before you do Niko, read the Brown, Lewis and Epstein RCA report. 
Thanks Clive, I downloaded it from here (first hit on Google 
search).  The site has some other papers which may be also be interesting.
Niko AC6DD
Topband Reflector

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