On Tue,8/19/2014 10:03 AM, Doug Renwick wrote:
I thought the consensus now is yagi antennas on 160 don't perform well (i.e. 
OH8X) when compared to vertical arrays.

That is STRONGLY dependent on the height of the Yagi and soil conductivity around the vertical antenna. A horizontal antenna lower than about a half wave is a "low" antenna, so the vertical pattern is compromised. On the other hand, verticals are strongly affected by soil conductivity -- as much as 6 dB between very poor and very good -- while horizontal antennas are not. This Yagi is at almost 3/8 wavelength on 160, pretty good, but still not great. I'd guess the gain to be no better than 5 dB over a dipole at the same height.

Does anyone remember this array? It's gone now, but I'd be inclined to do some sort of vertical array if I had the real estate with decent soil and the bucks.


73, Jim K9YC
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