I had the opportunity to work K9DX many times when he was using this array,
he was one of the only stations who would hear me call an hour before my
sunset,  and when he switched the array from EU to KH6 it was nothing but
amazing.   To be honest I have never heard another ham array do as well,

But to give credit, he also had the best "ears" , he had a method of switching
around receive antennas that was amazing,  thus the reason he could copy me
so early.. Other operators had the antenna switchs glued to EU at that time and never did have the intelligence to understand that the Pacific was coming
through calling.
I have heard so many times in so many contests Pacific stations calling USA, not just KH6 but some juicy mults out here, that operate only for fun and only
 one evening,  calling and calling with no response,   and I have
heard every excuse known to man why the "big guns" did not answer, when in
fact its plain operator error 90 percent of the time, they just do not listen this
direction at that time of the day.

I wish I had recorded the K9DX signal and the drastic change as he switched from
EU to KH6,   it made the others with switching 4 squares sound anemic.
It is one of the highlights I will never forget working top band from KH6.

73 Merv K9FD/KH6

Does anyone remember this array? It's gone now, but I'd be inclined to do some sort of vertical array if I had the real estate with decent soil and the bucks.


73, Jim K9YC

Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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