Greetings to the Trustees of Top Band,  the Cream of Contesting and the
Deserving of DX,
     The Boring Amateur Radio Club is pleased to announce the 19th edition
of The Stew Perry Top Band DX Challenge.
This year it will be from 1500Z Dec. 27, 2014 to 1500Z Dec. 28, 2014. This
is a CW (morse code)  contest where you
may operate 14 out of the 24 hours. This roughly corresponds to how much NA
daily darkness is available this time of year. Duh.
This contest utilizes a scoring mnemonic where you receive more points for
working somebody farther away from you than
somebody closer in to you. Revolutionary! To relish and personally process
the simple rules for this contest, browse on over to:
    The Boring Amateur Radio Club realizes that this contest belongs to the
individuals/groups who wisely choose to participate
in the proceedings. As such, we actively encourage the participants to
sponsor plaques that recognizes heroic or nearly heroic or
maybe even the best of a meager radio situation and its efforts. Yesterday,
 multiple plaques were dispatched by First Class post to
the various corners of our earth for the outstanding Operators who won out
last year. You can find the list of not only last year's
plaque winners but also the calls of the Radio Stalwarts who sponsored
those wooden beauties.
     So far this year the 2014 Plaque sponsors and categories are:

KL7RA                                    Top # of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group         TBD
TF4M                                      Top Score 160M mobile (must
actually be able to move)
N0TT                                       Top Score < 21 years old > 200

     You can join this illustrious group spurring on the competition by
sponsoring a plaque for $60 ($63 if by PayPal) and
suggesting a category that would not make your sweet Mother blush. The
address is below.
     I understand most everyone is atwitter getting their hardware and
software ready for The Great CQWW CW test
this weekend. Be advised that during the CQWW, seasoned DX Operators
frequently will repair to Top Band at the
top of the darkened hour for a few minutes in search of multipliers and Qs.
This affords you a great chance to see how
your Tx/Rx  tower, wire, gutter, railing or rusted out '63 Corvair frame is
     If you're afraid that your CW speed is not where you'd like it to be
for a contest, do not despair.  Try a speed that
you think you might handle. Most all Top Banders will slow down so that
your sweating, head buzzing, heart pounding,
body shaking entity will be able to copy most of the call and grid square
sent your way. Contrary to popular belief,
all great Top Band CW Ops started out shaky and kind of slow at first.
     The Boring Amateur Radio Club, with its multiple committees, thanks
you for perusing this notice, and promises
further reminders of The Stew Perry Top Band Extravaganza where further
plaque categories will be available for inspection.
     73 and I remain,
  Lew Sayre   w7ew  Boring Amateur Radio Club Committee regarding painful
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