I applaud K7FL for sponsoring the Top Score 100% Search/Pounce plaque.
Such an award should be available in EVERY major contest.

73, Barry N1EU

On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 1:59 AM, Lew Sayre <w...@arrl.net> wrote:

> Greetings to All 160M Denizens present and future,
>     The Boring Amateur Radio Club reminds all Top Band and
> potential Top Band inhabitants of the upcoming Stew Perry Top Band
> Distance Challenge happening Dec. 27 and 28 of this year. This is a
> unique radio contest with unique rules. Please browse on over to the noted
> website below and inhale the rules.
> http://www.kkn.net/stew/
>      This contest requests that far thinking contesters develop the
> categories
> for which the participants strive toward.  These stalwarts advance $60-63
> for a plaque that they feel will spur on the competitive  work by Top Band
> contesters. You can join this cutting edge group by notifying me of what
> category you'd like to sponsor.
>      This list will grow as your imagination and contributions proliferate.
> Donor                    Category
> KL7RA                  Top # of QSOs
> North Pole Contest We are cogitating
> TF4M                     Top Score 160M mobile (must actually be able to
> move)
> N0TT                      Top Score < 21 years old > 200 QSOs
> TF4M                      Longest Distance QSO- 2 plaques
> AA6VB                   Top Score,base loaded Vert <60' tall
> AA6VB                   Top Score big city >50K, little pistol <100W
> KH6LC                    VK-ZL Challenge: Top Score VK-ZL
> N5IA                       Most Grids worked
> N5IA                      Highest score daylight operation only
> K7FL                     Top Score 100% Search/Pounce
> NA0Y                    Top Score USA
> K6ND                    K6SE Memorial-Top Score World
> K1EP                    Top Score by First time Entrant
> K2PO                    Top Score,S/O,Low Power, Zone 3
> TF3KX                   Aurora Borealis Award- Top Score N of 60 deg N
>                             geomagnetic latitude
> VK6VZ                  VK6HD Memorial- Top Score by N hemisphere
>                             station working S hemisphere stations. Winner
>                             gets Flying Doctors of VK baseball cap.
> Dr. Beldaur-L1AR   Top score utilizing temporary antenna. (All parts
>            of temporary antenna including radials must be installed after
>            Dec. 14, 2014. This antenna must be the only antenna for
>            TopBand at the station, and may be left up, because as we
>            all know, "temporary" means "until I die".)
>      For newly minted radio people this contest is a serious but low key
> contest utilizing Morse code only on the 160M band. It uses grid squares
> as multipliers rather than a host of many other silly things. Start now
> with
> bargaining time during the Holidays with your loved ones for a stretch of
> time
> you can devote on the evening of Dec. 27 to exchange RF greetings on
> one of the best bands available.
>      All categories have been approved by the Plaqueing Committee of The
> Boring Amateur Radio Club. Some of the donors wish to remain
> semi-anonymous. This is fine with us as the categories are not prurient and
> the plaque fees have been received. Let me know if you'd like to sponsor a
> plaque, anonymous or not.
>      Further Stew Perry TopBand Extravaganza notices will be promulgated
> as the starting bell gets closer. Plan on participating in one of the best
> contests
> ever designed, that among other things utilizes layers of our atmosphere
> on Dec. 27-28.
>      73 and I remain,
>     Lew    w7ew
>     The Boring Amateur Radio Club Exhortation Committee
>     w...@arrl.net
> _________________
> Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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