Organized RR sites are not an issue.

Remote Radio does not allow new DX members, although a few are grandfathered in before that policy started. Those few who are members are watched, and any operating without signing W? / DXcall, or using a receiver in a contest (which costs $.49 per minute), are banned from future use of RR.

You have to be in the 48, or you have to use portable, or you are banned.

This is absolutely no different than anything that ever went on since the ARRL and others began allowing DX contacts to count no matter where you operate or where you move in the USA. Many people have operated here as a guest, for example, and worked new countries or worked contests under their calls, and counted the countries. The ONLY difference between them logging in via link and operating, or driving here and operating, is the physical transportation time.

If we don't like that as a collective group, the thing that needs changed is taking DXCC and other credits with us when we move or when we operate at another site.

As for duplex, I can pretty much duplex here on 160 in most directions and in any direction at any signal spacing on higher bands. For example, I can receive noise floor Europeans on 40 meters just 10 kHz below or 5 kHz above the SSB transmitter with virtually no interference. Allowing remote receivers within a small distance would not affect large stations at all. It would only let some limited resource stations have more fun. In my view, complaining about letting someone work around local noise with a remote local receiver is nothing but sour grapes.

DXCC and other things (like ANY contest) will never be fair or level between stations. It always has been that way, it always will be that way. No matter what the rules, a few with a "disadvantage" will not like the way it is, and a few with an advantage will not want a change.

One example is keeping DXCC when someone moves from one coast to another. I remember when W2EQS/W9NFC had to start his 160 DXCC over from zero from Indiana because he moved from NJ to Indiana. Today, he could move from California to Maine and keep his totals.

The important thing is to not make imaginary problems where none exist, and to understand how things really work before suggesting changes.

73 Tom
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