Oddly enough I was working with the North Korean UN ambassador to get an internet TX/RX package on the top floor off that 1500 foot hotel in downtown Pyongyang with a radio sport "rental" for radio clubs all over the world to participate in providing operators from their own country who would never have to leave home. It was going to be a small self contained 20 meter 100 watt CW only package using Remote Rig and a Icom 7100 with a short feedline to a 20 meter GP. It would have been setup to be operated by clubs on a shared basis with whatever "rental" funds accrued going to a radio club in the PRNK. I thought it was a god idea until the ambassador disappeared. Would there be any objection to an operation like this even though the ops could be anywhere as long as the complete station was in North Korea? In fact why is there such a big deal on where physically the operator is situated? The biggest obstacle would have been getting a permit for the equipment and a call sign from the government.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
On 1/30/2015 4:41 PM, K1FZ-Bruce wrote:

Could someone in the future, set up a internet controlled remote in an extremely rare country? Then make a contact with himself for a new one? How far will all this stretch to ? .... (((:>)) As the Lone Ranger said "whoa silver, steady big fellow" !


On Fri, 30 Jan 2015 14:44:26 -0500, JC <n...@comcast.net> wrote:

It will be soon enough that we will be having the conversation about not
only remote operation but robotic QSO making software. Is is really and truly a RADIO CONTEST if you cannot possibly make a "radio"
QSO without using the Internet? I know some people who I actually think
believe what we are doing in these reflectors is radio... (I already know all the justifications comparing the WWW communications system to a six foot
headphone cable located at your own station.). What do you think?

Enjoy it while you can.

You are right!. The sadness is causing the emotion Tom mentioned, however the real issue is the trade we are facing with RHR, the trade between value
and cost!

Work hard to setup a remote station and work a rare DX has a lot of value, You can be proud of it and the technology is always welcome and part of our
What is not acceptable is to transform HAM Radio into a business and charge
by the minute like AT&T. Verizon or any other carrier that provide
communication per dollar amount.
That is not Ham Radio, it is a trade from "VALUE" to "COST". For all the guys using RHR the pride is measured in dollar per minute, it
means the cost of a QSO matters. Next step would be to set up a call
center in India to provide you with all services at once. Select the DX you
what you and pay at the end.
All about money and commercial interest to transform what is bounding un
together . the value and proud to make it. Why bother is it is getting to QSL / QSL cost for minute? Share what ? you
r wallet?

Nobody is helping Ham with restriction to get into de air. It just about

When you look at your wall you can see the value of your work. Does not
matter what it cost. Don't let it change!

My two cents


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