Breaking News:
ARRL Board Okays Changes to DXCC Program

We would like to applaud the ARRL for "seeing the big picture" and understanding how important the role of remote technology will play in the future of our hobby. The recommended DXAC 200km limit has been completely squashed, and the ARRL went one step further. The ARRL has lifted the ban on the requirement for a operator to be in the same DXCC entity as the transmitter for his QSO's to count! This means that if you are traveling outside the U.S. or actively serving overseas in our military, you can remote into a transmitter in the U.S. and those contacts will count towards your U.S. DXCC award. Here is a paragraph from the CEO of the ARRL Dave Sumner:

"It has always been permitted for a QSO to count for both stations, if either station was operated remotely from a control point within the same DXCC entity," Sumner explained. "Now the location of the operator doesn't matter; the operator could be on the far side of the Moon if he or she could figure out how to remotely control a station on land back on Earth from there."

Hey Dave, we are working on that!

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