I didn't see the ARRL article, but I have researched this on the Web. Type
these words into Google:

fcc hf df

The first hit is a map of where they all are. Most are unmanned. They are
all linked to a single manned command center.

I'm not certain what type of antennas they use. I studied the satellite
images, but all I could make out were the antenna support structures. It
looked like V-beams to me, but I'm not sure.

73, Mike

On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 1:18 PM, <n0...@juno.com> wrote:

> IIRC, quite some years ago, QST had a photo & description of a FCC "signal
> locator" (for lack of a better description) consisting of several remote
> receivers that were linked together.
> Anyway, these could instantly locate the origin of a skywave signal with a
> resolution of a city block(!!) using a precise timing equipment/technique.
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