> I've been ham since 1969 and there has always been a issue with DQRM.
> Mike N2MS
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Donald Chester <k4...@hotmail.com>
> What does it say about the state of amateur radio to-day, that the term 
> "DQRM" has entered our jargon?

Yes, it has been with us a long time. Largely (but not entirely) a legacy of 
the 75m AM v. SSB wars of the early 1960s. But in numerous discussions of the 
K1N issue was the first time I have ever heard of "DQRM". The addition of that 
term to our jargon must mean the problem has now surpassed some critical mass 
of pervasiveness. 

Don k4kyv
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