I forgot to mention. 10 ft diameter loop is about the smallest loop that will tune with your 1000 pf cap. A 10 ft loop needs 843 pf. Use 2 inch diameter pipe and you need 982 pf. You can see that with AA5TB's calculator.

Jerry, K4SAV

On 11/15/2015 9:18 AM, K4SAV wrote:
I like to use AA5TB's calculator to get a quick estimate for mag loops.

Also see

Example: 10 ft diameter loop made from 1 inch diameter copper pipe,
0.05 ohms added resistance
1.8 MHz efficiency = 4.95%
Bandwidth = 1.5 kHz
Cap voltage = 10 kV peak with 400 watts applied
(That will get much higher if you improve the efficiency)

You would have to model it in NEC and calculate the near field to get the safe operating distance.

Jerry, K4SAV

On 11/15/2015 6:59 AM, jonathan white wrote:
Hi I am in a bit of trouble I will be mooing to a flat/apartment ,so can anyone give me details of a mag loop that will fit in a room and also be able to be taken apart and resembled on a beach,will use big vac cap 1000pf 40kv Russian type,any takers,and please dont laugh I love topband.
73`s Jon g8ccl
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