On Sun,11/15/2015 10:44 AM, jh-...@sbcglobal.net wrote:
Use the largest, heaviest hardline you can find.  Also, rethink your resources. 
 I ran Top Band from a 2nd story apartment with a full-sized inverted L hidden 
in a tree, with radials running down the sides of the bldg., and worked 93 
countries with 100-600W.  73 and GL, JH W6UQZ

Yes on all counts.

My neighbor, W6GJB, has built a portable high power magnetic loop from eight 4-ft sections of the modular portable military surplus 2-in antenna masts. Four sections have two 45 degree bends in them, and serve as corners, and fit together to form a small loop. Four straight sections are added between the bent sections to form a larger loop. He's tuning with some big rotary plate capacitors in parallel with fixed high voltage caps from my junk box.

I agree with others that the usefulness of an indoor loop will be quite limited. W6GJB has done fairly well running QRP with the smaller "Alex Loop" on 40M and above from hotel rooms in wood frame buildings.

73, Jim K9YC
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