Hmmm…. Junk, yes. Cheap, no. Five years ago we purchased a $2,900 Samsung 
P.O.C. plasma TV, at the time not knowing what plasma sets (some) do to the HF 
bands. Not only does it clobber HF,  but the picture quality has degraded 
seriously in the areas of white scenes. Not cheap. But certainly junk. We have 
an old Sony plasma and a new Panasonic plasma, neither of which cause any 
interference on HF. These days, when you buy any major appliance, get in 
writing that the store will take it back if you are not 100% satisfied. 

Jim / W6JHB

> On   Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015, at  Tuesday, 8:09 AM, Rob Atkinson 
> <> wrote:
>> What has happened to the topband conditions the last couple of decades?
> Two words:
> Noise and antennas.
> Noise--yes, millions of cheap junk appliances have destroyed
> reception.  Ever lived next door to a plasma TV?
> Antennas--Old hams unable to climb or plow in radials and HOAs =
> crappy antennas.
> 73
> Rob
> K5UJ
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