It was actually a pretty simple question: How does RHR define ethics? 

Having spent a fair chunk of my career as the manager of an ethics and
compliance organization in a major corporation, I can assure you being
ethical is not the same thing as following the rules. Five minutes with
Google will tell you the same thing. But I'll bite... if "ethics are limited
to following the rules" what rules is RHR insisting users follow? The exact
sentence used in their advertising is "RHR requires that operators operate
ETHICALLY and LEGALLY on our network". So it looks like even RHR had
something beyond "rules" in mind when they used the word. 

- Larry K5RK

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom W8JI [] 
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 11:38 AM
To: Larry Burke;
Subject: Re: Topband: strange propagation

> RHR has stated that they require operators to operate "ethically" on 
> their network. Exactly how to they define that term?  Is it considered 
> ethical for a ham in, say, Huntington Beach CA to call -- via a 
> commercial remote in New York -- a station at the United Nations on 6m 
> when the only propagation at the time is ground wave?

If you don't like the rules of an award, I suggest you work to modify the
award or create a new award.

This may come as a real shock, but you are going to have a very difficult
time changing the world to fit your particular feeling or idea of how you
think the world should be, without changing the actual rules.

It cannot matter less what you think other people should do. The ethics are
limited to following the rules, and what a particular person decides to do
beyond the rules is up to the individual (as long as he infringes on no one
else's rights in the process). That might even be a good way to run a

If a few people spent half the time they do whining and complaining working
on a new award or changing the award, the problem could have been fixed 20
years ago.

My belief is the real hobby for some is being unhappy with not being in
charge of everyone else. They don't want the problem fixed, because then
they would have nothing to get all stirred up about.

73 Tom 

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