I enjoyed those words of wisdom, John. But you left out a lot of important
things!! ;-)

What about when King Spark gave way to that terrible invention of vacuum
tubes? Or when straight keys were replaced with Vibroplex "bugs" or (gasp!)
electronic keyers!? And COMPUTERS! ARRRRGH! Sacrilege and blasphemy! ;-)

Seriously, I *partially* agree with some of the points that some "old
crotchety men" have stated here recently. Having said that, though, I think
that we've reached the point where anyone who objects to RHR and how it
might affect DXCC (or whatever) should now get their ducks in a row and
figure out a plan to contact the powers-that-be in an effective and
organized way that CAN change things.

Because bellyaching on this reflector alone is NOT going to change a single

73, Mike

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 5:33 PM, John K9UWA <j...@johnjeanantiqueradio.com>

> Years ago it was "Lists" ... Packet Clusters. ... Then it was ARRL CHANGED
> THE RULES ... Then all the complainers started in again when FCC said you
> can move within the country and don't have to swap in your callsign for a
> new one in another District of the country. ... Then in 2007 it was NO CODE
> licenses and again complainers and whiners aplenty. ... Finally we come to
> Remote Stations ... I suppose that to keep all the complainers from
> complaining we should go back to Crystal Controlled Transmitters ...
> So quit being a bunch of old crotchety men who resist change. Either you
> like it and use it or you don't like it and don't use it. No amount of
> crabbing about it is going to change it.
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