You are the 2nd fella, Frank, to remind me about a matching/coupling 
xfmr.....muchas gracias!!!

71.5/72 de Jim R. K9JWV

From: <>
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2016 2:25 PM
To: Top Band Contesting
Subject: Re: Topband: Receive loop observations

Hi Jim,

A properly constructed loop antenna absolutely requires a preamp.
If signals are so strong that you don't require a preamp then its
likely that the signals you're hearing are not actually coming from
the very inefficient loop but from other sources such common mode
from your coax feed line if its not very well isolated from the loop.

If your loop is operating correctly it will be omni-directional for
skywave signals and it will have an extremely deep null for an
unwanted signal propagated to your antenna from one local
vertically polarized interference source.    A well constructed loop
should have a null depth of 60-80 dB and a null beamwidth of just
a few degrees.   A very rigid mechanical mount is required to
keep the deep null pointed directly at your interference source.

A properly constructed loop should be transformer matched
to keep the loop balanced and both the coaxial cable and power
cable must be exceptionally well isolated from the loop.

A low noise figure high gain preamp is essential.


From: "James Rodenkirch" <>
To: "Top Band Contesting" <>
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2016 7:04:25 PM
Subject: Topband: Receive loop observations

I have installed a receive loop (  ) and finished 
measuring and observing...


VSWR --- 1.7 @ 1.830

ZO ----- 77 at 1.830


Following ON4UN's comments regarding needing a preamp or not, measured S1 to 2 
noise level with antenna connected during mid-day, S0 with dummy load connected.

During evening hours, notice some improvement - S2 drop in noise level when 
switching from xmt antenna (inverted U) to the loop - but not hearing much in 
the way of receive signals (e.g., hear a fairly strong signal from the west 
coast on the xmt antenna, nothing on the loop and I have it oriented east/west).

I'm uncertain if a low noise amp will help my cause (thoughts??)

I do not have a common mode choke installed, yet...will one make that much 

The loop is located about 60' away from the Inverted U and radials.

Comments/suggestions appreciated.

Thank you, in advance, for constructive, relative to what I have now, 
replies....non-"constructive" means I can't erect a BOG, Beveridge or Waller 
Flag so don't ask why I didn't go that route.

71.5/72 de Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV
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