Wellllll, found a #43 material core, wound the xfmr (just needed a 1.24 turns 
ratio as my loop's Zo is 77 ohms, not the 5000 ohms that Rick, N6RK, had with 
his loop) and installed it - used my Autek RF1 analyzer to check....49 ohms at 
1.820 MHz and 1.2:1 VSWR...it's Miller Time ---- well, at least 'till I listen 
around tonight and tomorrow morning to "see" what I hear...hihi

OHHHH - came inside the shack, turned the KX3 on to 1.820, connected the dummy 
load....S0 noise, connected the loop, just a tad more "hearable noise" noise 
than the dummy load but still S0, connected the Inverted U transmit antenna and 
see S4 to S5 (a marked improvement over before when, without the matching 
transformer, I observed S5 with the U and S3 with the loop...mucho better!) 

Also, found all of the cores I would need at W8DIZ' store -- 

Thank you all again for the assistance....71.5/72 de Jim R. K9JWV

From: James Rodenkirch
Sent: Saturday, April 2, 2016 6:48 AM
To: Top Band Contesting
Subject: Re: Topband: Receive loop observations

Thank you to all for the replies/comments/suggestions --- I am all over finding 
a #61 or #43 material core for a xfmr....71.5/72 de Jim R. K9JWV

From: Topband <topband-boun...@contesting.com> on behalf of Jim Brown 
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2016 2:55 PM
To: topband@contesting.com
Subject: Re: Topband: Receive loop observations

On Fri,4/1/2016 1:36 PM, James Rodenkirch wrote:
> need to find a Fair-rite 61 core

N6RK notes that Fair-Rite #43 will work fine, with slightly increased
loss. Mu is higher, so you will likely need fewer turns to get 100 uH.
#43 is much easier to find.

73, Jim K9YC
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