My $0.02.

I have added DXCC ## 96-101 so far this season, running 100W into simple wire 
antennas throughout (most recently, a "Lazy L" with 32 quarter-wave radials).  
It took awhile to get this far, and took some patience/determination from my 
upper-midwest (read: "Black Hole") QTH.  But, clearly, it's do-able. There are 
always circumstances where weak propagation or the DX station's receive 
capabilities/noise level will simply not yield a QSO at 100W.  But, for the 
most part, the only times I felt truly disadvantaged were in big and aggressive 
pileups (where, admittedly, 100W simply can't compete).

I can't argue that QRO can be a huge advantage on 160.  At the same time, we 
shouldn't discourage anybody that might want or have to venture onto the band 
barefoot.  You can have good DX success with 100W if you're willing to be 
persistent and invest the time. If you're the instant-gratification type, 
though, forget it.

Candidly, I feel far more disadvantged by my current lack of a good set of 
receive antennas. Often I find myself sitting on my hands while a big pileup is 
calling and working DX I can barely copy (or can't hear at all). You can't work 
'em if you can't hear 'em. 

Good luck to all still working toward #100.  I can tell you it that feels 
pretty darned good to finally arrive.


Mark -- WA9ETW
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