I agree with Ken, with only one option, and that would be if the conduit is 
open on both ends.. allowing free air flow thru. That situation, MAY help dry 
the water from sitting on the cable, depending on the average humidity at the 
underground temp. Warm air from inside.. to cold air outside may not work out 
well either.

Have a great day,
--... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy

"Actions speak louder than words"
1856 - Abraham Lincoln

From: Topband <topband-boun...@contesting.com> on behalf of Ken Claerbout 
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2017 6:19 AM
To: topband@contesting.com
Subject: Re: Topband: underground cables question

As you have found out, it's impossible to keep water out of a conduit like 
that.  I use direct bury cabling and put it directly in the ground.  Granted 
the cable is flooded, but putting in back in the conduit ensures it will sit in 
some water, something I would try to avoid.

Ken K4ZW

-----Original Message-----
From: John <beaumo...@beaumonts.karoo.co.uk>
To: topband <topband@contesting.com>
Sent: Thu, Oct 5, 2017 4:11 am
Subject: Topband: underground cables question

Hi all, some  years ago I buried a 4 inch conduit about a foot deep in my field 
, inside I run a control wire and a coax line RG213 to a 160 m vertical the 
feeder was a total of 5/4 wavelength long about half of it in the conduit, it 
was used as one line for a pair of verticals spaced 5/8 wave apart. When first 
installed it worked very good but after a while I noticed it dropped off and I 
suspected water ingress. An insulation test with 1000v from my electricians 
test equipment showed indeed a fall in insulation resistance.

So my question is I have a couple of large reels of commscope F1160 BEF flooded 
75 ohm
do you think I could put it in the same conduit which has allowed some water in 
or would you make alternative arrangements . I realise it a direct bury coax 
but appreciate advice.

I wish to get the two verticals going again will use 1 X 3/4 line above ground 
1x5/4 line part in conduit and a 1/2 wave to switch in and out above ground.


John Beaumont

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