Got copied on this information. Hopefully they will have some success. Hi All, I am writing to to let you all know that myself and VU3NXI are going to conduct low band experiments near a river delta from 1st Dec 12 UTC to 3rd 2 UTC.
This is a portable setup, so we will be barefoot (we may carry an amp) with vertical ( 40mtr) and inverted L antennas (80/160) for transmit and RX antennas including N6RK loop and terminated delta loop. All antennas will be in close proximity of salt water on a small island area and expected noise floor should be less. This will be 100% CW operation on 80 and 160 mtr and we may do some SSB on 40mtr. Unlike IOTA, DXpeditions and contests, we are focusing one some antenna experiments and propagation studies. So if you hear us please give a call! Best Regards _________________ Topband Reflector Archives -