Great News!
Despite of having 200+ worked I never ever heard a VU on topband.

>Вторник, 21 ноября 2017, 17:55 UTC от Tree <>:
>Got copied on this information.  Hopefully they will have some success.
>Hi All,
>I am writing to to let you all know that myself  and VU3NXI are going to
>conduct low band experiments near a river delta from 1st Dec 12 UTC to 3rd
>2 UTC.
>This is a portable setup, so we will be barefoot (we may carry an amp) with
>vertical ( 40mtr) and inverted L antennas (80/160) for transmit and RX
>antennas including N6RK loop and terminated delta loop.  All antennas will
>be in close proximity of salt water on a small island area and expected
>noise floor should be less.
>This will be 100% CW operation on 80 and 160 mtr and we may do some SSB on
>40mtr. Unlike IOTA, DXpeditions and contests, we are focusing one some
>antenna experiments and propagation studies. So if you hear us please give
>a call!
>Best Regards
>Topband Reflector Archives -

73, Victor Goncharsky US5WE/K1WE (UW5W in VHF contests, ex UB5WE), P.E.
UARL Technical and VHF Committies
DXCC Honor Roll #1 (Mixed, Phone), 9BDXCC, 8BWAS
DXCC card checker (160 meters).
Topband Reflector Archives -

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