‎Hello to All of you,

For me, you can call me any time when you want ! I Will be very pleased to 
answer, to say "hello" and to know how is my  new signal report at your station 

Will be this week end, not on top band, for the french contest as TM5OTT for 
"Old Timer's Team". 

Best 73. 

Jean-Paul, F6FYA.

Envoyé de mon smartphone BlackBerry 10 sur le réseau Orange working on the 160 
m vertical ant adaptation.
  Message d'origine  
De: Tom Boucher
Envoyé: jeudi 22 février 2018 10:29
À: topband@contesting.com
Objet: Topband: 160m DX Activity Night

Just to say that I wholeheartedly endorse Roger’s comments on repeat 160 metre 
contacts. We are not all certificate hunters and many are only too happy to 
rag-chew. In 58 years on top band, I have no idea of my DXCC score but it’s 
quite a few. So please Mark K3MSB and all you others who are frightened of 
answering CQs from someone you may have worked before, if you hear us on please 
give us a shout even if just for old times sake! Don’s (WD8DSB) experience is 
very sad and the other guy must be a complete moron. How long does it take for 
a minimal QSO, RST + name?

I’m not sure I can climb out of the sack at 0000Z or 0300Z on a Wednesday 
though Roger!

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