Hello brethren, Dave, yes, I changed QTH moving from the ocean to Guayaquil city and now I'm residing in downtown area which implies certain challenges working low bands. However, to my joy, I'm not utterly deafened by the city's QRMand tropical QRN, the way I thought I would be. My noise situation is tolerable at least I'm hearing NA and some EUs on a, say, inadequate antenna.
Just for a try I erected a 14m high aluminum mast on the balcony at 2nd floor at about 4 meters above the street and ran a wire along it and an extentended "tail" to form an inverted L. My next is step is to make an Inverted L alongside an existing 22 meter high tower that supports 20 and 15 m Yagis. There is enough space to accomodate 3 quarter-wave radials. That will be done as I get a safety belt to climb the tower - a day or a week time frame - everything is slow here. On QRO. There is Henry amp with fresh st of tubes that requires adding an extra network for 1660 which wil be done soon to have reasonable power. I'll be active on TB soon again. 73 to all, Alex HC2AO at HC2GRC >Четверг, 22 марта 2018, 14:26 UTC от daraym...@iowatelecom.net: > >Alex, HC2AO, was QRV Wednesday night which must have been from a >new/different location. He was running 20w to a 14m inverted L with 2 >elevated radials from a balcony. He was weak but workable. He said our QSO >was his first for 2018. From his comments on KST, it sounded like he has >plans for a bigger, more permanent antenna. Here in Iowa QRN levels are >beginning to come up with the arrival of spring weather although winter >hasn't quite given up yet. >73. . .Dave, W0FLS > > >-----Original Message----- >From: Roger Kennedy >Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 5:50 PM >To: topband@contesting.com >Subject: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night > > >Well hopefully we'll get some stations on the band tonight ! > >I'll be on around 1828kHz from about 0000Z . . . > >Hope you'll be on too > >73 Roger G3YRO >_________________ >Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband > >_________________ >Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband _________________ Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband