Welcome comeback, Alex!
73! de Eugene RA0FF http://www.qsl.net/ra0ff/ >Пятница, 23 марта 2018, 3:21 +11:00 от ALEXEY OGORODOV via Topband ><topband@contesting.com>: > >Hello brethren, > >Dave, yes, I changed QTH moving from the ocean to Guayaquil city and now I'm >residing in downtown area which implies certain challenges working low bands. >However, to my joy, I'm not utterly deafened by the city's QRMand tropical >QRN, the way I thought I would be. My noise situation is tolerable at least >I'm hearing NA and some EUs on a, say, inadequate antenna. > >Just for a try I erected a 14m high aluminum mast on the balcony at 2nd floor >at about 4 meters above the street and ran a wire along it and an extentended >"tail" to form an inverted L. > >My next is step is to make an Inverted L alongside an existing 22 meter high >tower that supports 20 and 15 m Yagis. There is enough space to accomodate 3 >quarter-wave radials. That will be done as I get a safety belt to climb the >tower - a day or a week time frame - everything is slow here. > >On QRO. There is Henry amp with fresh st of tubes that requires adding an >extra network for 1660 which wil be done soon to have reasonable power. > >I'll be active on TB soon again. > >73 to all, > >Alex >HC2AO at HC2GRC > > >>Четверг, 22 марта 2018, 14:26 UTC от daraym...@iowatelecom.net: >> >>Alex, HC2AO, was QRV Wednesday night which must have been from a >>new/different location. He was running 20w to a 14m inverted L with 2 >>elevated radials from a balcony. He was weak but workable. He said our QSO >>was his first for 2018. From his comments on KST, it sounded like he has >>plans for a bigger, more permanent antenna. Here in Iowa QRN levels are >>beginning to come up with the arrival of spring weather although winter >>hasn't quite given up yet. >>73. . .Dave, W0FLS >> >> >>-----Original Message----- >>From: Roger Kennedy >>Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 5:50 PM >>To: topband@contesting.com >>Subject: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night >> >> >>Well hopefully we'll get some stations on the band tonight ! >> >>I'll be on around 1828kHz from about 0000Z . . . >> >>Hope you'll be on too >> >>73 Roger G3YRO >>_________________ >>Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband >> >>_________________ >>Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband > > > >_________________ >Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband _________________ Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband