Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2018 22:28:11 +0800
From: Jeff Blaine <>
Subject: Re: Topband: cutting coax stubs for 80 meter 4-square

<The MFJ259 is a fine box but when you get to 80m with anything near a BC 
it's going to be problems.? In fact I discovered the hard way that even 
up on 20m the box can read funky if your antenna is big enough or high 
enough.? I have a Rig Expert now as well and really love that thing - 
plus it's apparently immune to the local BC stations.? Not quite as 
capable as a VNA but has OSL cal, runs forever on battery and does stuff 
like stub tuning as you are trying here.? Don't think I have used the 
'259 since i bought the RE last fall.


## Seems to me  MFJ  supplied a HP filter when using the MFJ-259B,  to kill
anything <  1.8  mhz. 

Jim  VE7RF
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