On 6/11/2018 9:50 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:

##  Is there room inside those  rig experts units to install a .01 uf disc 
ceramic  cap ??
A  50-100  volt  cap would be smaller diameter than a 1 kv  cap.   There is  
your  DC

On my 160 meter vertical I have been able to pull 1/2 inch long
arcs to ground on a perfectly clear day.  That would of course
blow up nearly any capacitor.  Instead, you need an inductor to

Similarly, "touching the leads together" before connecting the
analyzer is poor advice for obvious reasons such as the fact
that the antenna will charge back up to high voltages in less than
a second.

## On a similar note,  re the MFJ-259B.   Can  a HP filter be used, to kill  AM 
junk...or  will the HP filter  screw things up too much ?

Jim  VE7RF

An HP filter would royally screw up an network analyzer including
the 259, unless you calibrate it out, which the 259 is incapable
of.  Even on a good VNA, it is tricky to accurately calibrate
out a 9 element elliptic filter.  That is why the answer is
to get the AA-55 and be done with it.

Rick N6RK
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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