Well said, Mike! :-)

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019, 5:30 PM W0MU Mike Fatchett <w...@w0mu.com> wrote:

> Same thing was said about SSB.
> The sky is not falling.
> K1JT might have saved Ham Radio.  Seems to be quite popular.  60 plus
> percent of all LOTW confirms are FT-X now....Speaks volumes.
> There is room for CW, SSB, FT-X on topband and all bands.
> Criticizing people playing radio seems unproductive.
> W0MU
> On 7/31/2019 3:16 PM, Hans Hjelmström wrote:
> > UNFORTUNATELY  K1JT  and FT 8  killed amateur radio on 6 meters.
> > It will kill it on 160 meters,and SOON it will kill all amateur radio
> activity on all bands.
> >
> > Soon authorities will reduce our bands,as we do not use these
> frequencies any more.
> >
> > SORRY its all gone from enjoy ,challenge and efforts to a computer fake
> game.
> >
> > CW will be unknown in 20 years,as most of elder Hams are SK ,and
> newcomers do not need it.
> >
> > SAD and unfortunately facts.
> >
> > Kind regards  ( still refuse FT 8  ,and will never use it)
> >
> > SM6CVX Hans
> >>
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