
V V tor., 31. dec. 2019 ob 20:22 je oseba Mike Smith VE9AA <> napisala:

> Hi Nick,
> I did not work US1Q during this years contest, so won't comment on that
> operator (but I understand 100% what you are saying, even though your
> English is not perfect, hi hi)
> I have in the past, "worked" an Italian station on 160m (I forget the call)
> at 5NN+30dB many hours after sunrise in Italy, so I know exactly what you
> are saying.
> Fortunately (I think) we 'hope' these fellows using USA remotes (and any
> remotes, actually) are the 1/1000 of true operators and not every other
> operator.
> I can only surmise they find satisfaction in trying to fool everyone, but
> personally I don't "get it" (don't understand)
> They are only really fooling themselves and it's themselves that stare back
> at them in the mirror every morning.
> 73 de Mike VE9AA FN66 (New Brunswick, Canada)
> Mike, Coreen & Corey
> Keswick Ridge, NB
> _________________
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> Reflector

Mirko S57AD
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