I did work US1Q in the SP. He called me after hearing me try another Eu who didn't copy me. This happened way after SR in the USA, so if he was using a remote, it wasn't there. From his strength I would guess that he probably was in Eu, although it could have been JA. I would consider that unlikely, though. I had Qs with some JAs but they did not copy me easily because of local QRM. This guy did copy me easily. Apart from the fact that he may have been genuine, the other possibility is that he had his Tx in Eu or JA and Rx in VK.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

On 2020-01-01 08:29, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
It's guys in EU using USA remotes that PURPORT to still be in EU. (like this
alleged US1Q operator)

Or USA guys using a remote in Japan to work Asians, but say they are still
in the USA that

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