
I think that Mike makes a very good case.  A good number of us who enjoy
topband do not tend to use it for working the same stations over and over
again and definitely not for ragchewing.  I enjoy a good CW ragchew, but
would not consider 160m for such a QSO.  I know that I could come on 160m on
Wednesday evenings.  But I have worked over 1000 different US stations on
160m over the years.  My main interest in 160m these days is in working new
DXCC and contesting.  

Incidentally, in one of your posts, you said that you did not call CQ in the
recent Stew Perry for fear (sic) of being called by loads of EU stations.
That struck me as being  rather selective about the type of activity that
you are prepared to tolerate in your log.  Just saying...


Ian G4iiY

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [] On
Behalf Of Mike Smith VE9AA
Sent: 05 January 2020 16:40
Subject: Re: Topband: Good Conditions, little NA Activity



I read some of your Wed Activity night reports and emails.

I admire your tenacity, but please allow me some observations (only because
many of your posts seem to indicate your surprise over not working more


Let's face it. Times have changed.


A lot of folks can only operate weekends, so it should come as no surprise
to you that there are not many NA's late on a Wednesday night for you to


Wed night are the CWT' hour is probably enough to get your weekday CW
fix, so there's not a lot of motivation to get on 160m too.


A lot of folks have migrated to FT8 for their DX fix (fear not I won't get
into a FT8 vs. CW commentary)


A lot of folks rely on weekends for their activity and speaking only for
myself, I get 99% of what I need from contests.


With respect, you do not have a LARGE stn, so there are those that just
won't hear you.


So, while I praise you for your continued efforts to raise activity on 160m
Wed nights, it's my opinion only that it probably should not come with
continued surprise or incredulity that activity levels are low.


Maybe try another tack?  Like start your own mini Wed.160m CW club and offer
activity "awards" (much like CWOps).even if it's just a downloadable .pdf


I feel it's just a "different time" these days and you're likely fighting a
losing battle.


73 de Mike VE9AA





Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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