OK Steve,

I will call you every morning when I hear your signal
(... tnx for this hint! I really feel strange to work a station again in
the same mode on the same band - therefore I love contesting.)

Additionally I will try to join the famous "VE6WZ-Top-25" List.

Now I go downstairs for some CQ.

73 de Michael, DL6MHW

Am 07.01.2020 um 17:49 schrieb VE6WZ_Steve:
> Speaking of multiple QSOs with the same stations on 160m….
> please do not hesitate to call me if you hear me on Topband no matter how 
> many QSOs we have had!  I am a 160m QSO collector. The more the better.  I 
> don't  get bored working the same guys over-and-over-and-over on TB. Each 
> opening is a new adventure for me.  It ‘aint rocket science to know that if 
> we wait to work only new stations on the band then things will get pretty 
> slow!
> Everyone is motivated in different ways, and at different times for what 
> excites them about Ham radio.  For myself, the thrill of working DX on 
> 160m….ANY DX, even multiple QSOs in the same season works for me.  I am much 
> less excited about doing that on 80m, or 40m, or the higher bands, but I know 
> there are those that love to work DX on ANY band all the time, any time.
> The thrill for me started when I was 13 years old, under the covers in bed at 
> night with a small transistor radio (1971) listening to distant AM broadcast 
> stations with the sound of summer QRN.
> Because 160m is so un-predictable and usually completely dead and devoid of 
> ANY signals (here in VE6 at least) it really is magical when the DX finally 
> makes it to my ears.  I mean sincerely magical, because I reflect back on 
> listening to those AM signals on that transistor radio…the 160m band is just 
> above the AM band. How cool is that!  We are just Ham guys with backyard 
> antennas!
> I understand completely those that find it boring working the same guys 
> over-and-over, and how the chase for the next DXCC band counter is what 
> really matters.  For many years after I built my 80m Yagi I was somewhat 
> “marooned" on 80m working as much DX as possible.  I still love 80m, but the 
> intrigue has faded and I don't find myself calling CQ there much anymore.  
> Perhaps the same will happen on 160m, but because the trans-polar propagation 
> from VE6 to EU (under the AU oval) can be absent for YEARS (!) on end, I 
> expect that when the condition are good I will remain engaged.  I must 
> confess that working JA’s are not as exciting from here (perhaps like working 
> EU from the EC?).
> The chase for the DXCC band totals is not my main motivator anymore as much 
> as just hearing what DX might make it through each night or morning.
> To work a lot of DX on 160, you NEED to call CQ.  If we all just listen, 
> waiting for others to call, the only guys we will work are the few that are 
> calling CQ (wow, crazy eh?).   I understand that with poor RX and high local 
> noise the alligator risk is high, but you never know.  I have received a 
> number of JA and EU QSLs indicating 100w TX and modest antenna setups.
> Lets keep the band alive.  Get on the band, ionize the ionosphere and call CQ 
> and see what happens.
> 73, de steve ve6wz
> So…here is the VE6WZ 2018-19 season “top repeat QSO list”
>  From my log export for this winter season (4 months) beginning September 
> till now, I have worked 422 unique EU callsigns. (1,228 total QSOs)
> Here is the top 25 list for Europe:
> (rank, call, number of QSOs)
> 1        SM5EDX          40
> 2        DF2PY          38
> 3        LA1MFA          38
> 4        SM4DHF          33
> 5        OM2XW          26
> 6        RA4LW          23
> 7        LY7M          23
> 8        ON7PQ          23
> 9        YL2SM          22
> 10        PA3FQA          21
> 11        RC3FL          19
> 12        G3PQA          16
> 13        G3XHZ          15
> 14        IK7JTF          15
> 15        F5IN          13
> 16        OH1XX          13
> 17        DL8LAS          13
> 18        G3OQT          12
> 19        F5NZ          11
> 20        G4UFK          11
> 21        GW3YDX  11
> 22        SM3EVR          11
> 23        G3XGC          10
> 24        SM6MCW  10
> 25        SM7BIC          10
> And here is the OC/AS list:
> 1        VK6LW        44
> 2        VK2WF        21
> 3        HL5IVL        20
> 4        VK3HJ        19
> 5        JA5BIN        11
> 6        VK3IO        9
> 7        3D2AG        7
> 8        DS2JJV        6
> 9        JA4CQS        5
> 10        JH2FXK        5
> _________________
> Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector
Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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