Hi Dan, 

An inverted-L with one elevated radial has lots of room for improvement, 
almost anything will improve what you now have. 

How much improvement you can achieve is mostly determined by site 
limitations, copper wire expense, how much work you're able do 
yourself or pay someone else to do for you. 

Eight radials, 70 feet long is the absolute minimum number of radials 
if you lay them on the ground. Sixteen 80-foot radials will be much better, 
32 100-radials will be significantly better than that. Finally 60 125-foot 
radials will be within one dB of the best you could achieve. 

This is the classic reference: 


If you continue to use resonant elevated radials, four is the minimum 
number your should shoot for, but unfortunately its difficult to get all 
four elevated radials to carry similar amounts of current. Eight elevated 
radials is much better. 

The K2AV Folded counterpoise is another alternative to your 
current single elevated radial. 

Good luck! 


----- Original Message -----

From: d...@np2j.com 
To: topband@contesting.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2020 1:58:53 PM 
Subject: Topband: Elevated Radials - will radials on ground help? 

Hello fellow Topbanders! 

Had lots of fun in the Stew, thanks for the contacts everyone! 

Looking forward to the CQ160 and as always trying to find a way to 
improve antenna performance.... so looking for advice 

I am currently using a pair of Inverted L's each having a single 
elevated radial. 
The feedpoint's and elevated radials are 10-12 feet above ground. 
The soil is fairly rocky. 
Also quite a bit of "Bush" growing fairly high except below elevated 
radials where I have trimmed back the bush. 

I am wondering if I should lay radials on the ground, particulary near 
the feedpoint's? 
Any advice?? 

Dan K8RF/NP2J 
Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector 

Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector

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