On 5/10/2024 10:27 AM, David Olean wrote:
At 79+ years I am hopeful that I can re assemble things before I give up the ghost.

Going 83, I'm now dependent on friends to help me deal with damage to antennas by winter storms. Branches (and even trees) fall on RX antennas. The 250 ft Douglas Fir holding one end of three dipoles hit the ground 18 months ago. We got the most important, an 80/40 fan broadside JA and SA, back up last fall. The other two have yet to be rebuilt.

Last night, after dark, I went out to check the 160M TX antenna and found that the mechanical fuse,which I use to protect it from damage when trees sway in the wind, had broken, so I didn't get to try to work George last night. I'll fix it today, and will try if George is still on tonight.

73, Jim K9YC

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