Your RIB setup is working fb.
I happened to get up a little early on May 9th to find George T32JV at 10:44z 
1.828 mhz
Nice signal worked him no problem.

Hoping to find a QSL route soon or hopefully a connection with LOTW.  Any in 
#84 pending

Clay N9IO
From: Topband <> on behalf of 
Jim F. via Topband <>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2024 5:15 PM
To: <>; Tree <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: Topband: End of Season, Spring Cleaning

79 and 83 ?You guys ain't seen nothin yet !I turned 85 this week and oftensay - 
wish I was 80 again !

Absolutely amazed at what happens with age.If only I realized that I would have 
been more understanding with grandparents etc...



    On Friday, May 10, 2024, 3:12:31 PM EDT, Tree <> wrote:

 K1WHS getting back on topband!!??!!

That's great news!!

Tree N6TR

On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 10:52 AM Jim Brown <>

> On 5/10/2024 10:27 AM, David Olean wrote:
> > At 79+ years I am hopeful that I can re assemble things before I give up
> > the ghost.
> Going 83, I'm now dependent on friends to help me deal with damage to
> antennas by winter storms. Branches (and even trees) fall on RX
> antennas. The 250 ft Douglas Fir holding one end of three dipoles hit
> the ground 18 months ago. We got the most important, an 80/40 fan
> broadside JA and SA, back up last fall. The other two have yet to be
> rebuilt.
> Last night, after dark, I went out to check the 160M TX antenna and
> found that the mechanical fuse,which  I use to protect it from damage
> when trees sway in the wind, had broken, so I didn't get to try to work
> George last night. I'll fix it today, and will try if George is still on
> tonight.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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