No problem I wait, quite sure the proposed "refresh" in ensemble will
solve the problem; will try that out tomorrow,
thanks again, Michel

On Apr 8, 5:10 pm, "Irene Polikoff" <> wrote:
> Additionally, you can run SM scripts directly from Ensemble. These can
> include any inference operations.
> In the beta build only the tree component is SM enabled, but in the release
> build most of the components are integrated with SM/SPIN.
> There is also a bug in the beta build that prevents you to pass additional
> arguments to the scripts (no popups will apear for a user to enter data). We
> have a patch for it (which also includes abilities to use images in the
> visualization component). Scott could send it to you off the list.
> On the other hand, the final release is expected very soon (two weeks or
> so), so you may prefer to wait.
> Irene Polikoff
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott
> Henninger
> Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 10:58 AM
> To: TopBraid Composer Users
> Subject: [tbc-users] Re: No vizualisation in Ensemble
> If you run SPIN inferences on Composer and refresh Ensemble, the derived
> information will appear.
> -- Scott
> On Apr 8, 9:35 am, "Bohms, H.M. (Michel)" <> wrote:
> > Ok, clear!
> > One thing I missed further: data of my derived information (after
> TopSpin)...
> > Is there anyway to get that available in the client too?
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Scott
> > Henninger
> > Sent: 08 April 2009 16:23
> > To: TopBraid Composer Users
> > Subject: [tbc-users] Re: No vizualisation in Ensemble
> > The Visualization tab does work, but drag-and-drop is not yet available in
> the beta release.  To get a node into the Visualization tab, click on
> Visualization, click the Add Node to View button, click inside the
> visualization area, then use command completion to specify the node to add
> to the graph.  Use right-click on the node to display relationships.  There
> will be improvements forthcoming to this interface.
> > -- Scott
> > On Apr 8, 8:30 am, "Bohms, H.M. (Michel)" <> wrote:
> > > Hi Scot,
> > > I can open my workspace and select my projects in Ensemble....that's not
> the problem.
> > > The problem comes when I wanted to do what I saw in your nice video:
> show in this client the visual representation of the ontology.
> > > In other words: the Visualization Tab stays empty...
> > > But maybe I have to do something first ...
> > > In the meantime I see I can add node and then click view...maybe I was
> just expecting a more direct way like dubbelclicking...
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From:
> > > [] On Behalf Of Scott
> > > Henninger
> > > Sent: 08 April 2009 15:00
> > > To: TopBraid Composer Users
> > > Subject: [tbc-users] Re: No vizualisation in Ensemble
> > > Michel;  I'm not quite sure what you mean by "visualise in ensemble".
> > > Th way it works is that when you open the server (http://localhost:
> > > 8063/tbl), two completed applications appear.  Choose one of the
> applications (the configurable one for example).  This opens your current
> workspace (no reason to copy anything anywhere) and you can choose one of
> your ontologies to display.
> > > Let me know if this is enough to get you started.
> > > -- Scott
> > > On Apr 8, 7:24 am, Michel Bohms <> wrote:
> > > > I copied my TBC example ontologies to the new TBC-ME work space.
> > > > when I try to visualise in ensemble the client keeps reading from
> > > > server without result
> > > > MIchel
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> > > at
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