On May 23, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Li, Naicong wrote:

> Great, thanks!  By the way I tried to delete this using Triples View by 
> loading up all the triples from all the graphs and then sorting the 
> predicate.  After I had deleted all the triples with this predicate and I 
> looked at the Triple’s view again, I saw some more triples with this 
> predicate (which I deleted).  I am very sure that I had deleted all the 
> relevant predicates in the first round, based on the Sort results.  I don’t 
> understand why I was seeing some more afterwards...  Is it possible that TBC 
> was not really loading all the triples in the first round?  I suppose I could 
> have used filter-by to load only relevant triples in the Triples View.  Also, 
> is it bad practice to do batch delete like in Triples View?

That's fine, but TBC has a global setting that limits the number of triples 
being shown to ensure performance of the UI. This defaults to 1000 but you can 
change it in the TBC preferences (first page - Max number of instances to 


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