Hi Holger,
thank you very much for your advice!

I've created new SPARQLMotion script with such modules: spl:Argument 
-> sml:ApplyConstruct -> sml:ReturnRDF, where in  sml:ApplyConstruct I put 
this constructQuery:
    ?a ?b ?c .
    BIND (smf:buildURI("{?1}", ?projectGraph) AS ?graphName) .
    GRAPH ?graphName {
        ?a ?b ?c .
    } .

and sml:RDFXMLAbbrev in sml:ReturnRDF 

but it produces the same output with sml:RDFXML.

Also I tried to change arg:serialization 
in teamwork:ExportEntireProjectPlugin for ExportToRDF, but it also produces 
the same output as with sml:RDFXML.

I'm working on EVN Version 5.2.0.v20160909-1520B.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Oleksandr Mandryk

On Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 4:49:27 AM UTC+1, Holger Knublauch wrote:
> Try to use sml:serialization=sml:RDFXMLAbbrev at sml:ReturnRDF.

> In general, the main alternatives for producing arbitrary XML are Semantic 
> XML (via sml:ConvertRDFToXML) or SWP. SWP can produce any XML, assuming you 
> turn each XML element into a subclass of ui:Element and each XML attribute 
> into corresponding argument properties at these elements.
> Holger
> On 7/03/2017 13:26, Oleksandr Mandryk wrote:
> Hi Hogler,
> as far as I remember the nested resources was the main issue. I haven't 
> tried approach that you suggested but as I can see
> here http://www.topquadrant.com/sparqlmotion/lib.html#sml:ReturnRDF there 
> is no such property in sml:ReturnRDF.
> Could you please explain where I can specify sml:RDFXML / sml:RDFXMLAbbrev?
> BTW: Do we have any alternatives (just in case) to this approach? I mean 
> if I would like to build totally different XML from taxonomy RDF what would 
> be the most appropriate way to do it?
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Oleksandr Mandryk
> On Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 4:07:44 AM UTC+1, Holger Knublauch wrote: 
>> Whether resources are nested or remain top-level is a configuration 
>> option in the RDF/XML writer. In sml:ReturnRDF, try using sml:RDFXML versus 
>> sml:RDFXMLAbbrev (the abbrev option will produce nested objects). Have you 
>> tried this or would there be other differences from your planned output?
>> Holger 
>> On 7/03/2017 12:56, Oleksandr Mandryk wrote:
>> Hi Hogler, 
>> thank you for reply!
>> Actually RDF/XML is pretty different from what I need. The biggest issue 
>> with RDF/XML for me is hierarchical structure of relations between nodes, 
>> for example if PARENT_NODE is parent of CHILD_NODE in RDF/XML it will 
>> look like this:
>>  ... properties
>>  <broader>
>>  ...
>>  </broader>
>> but I need something like this:
>>  ... properties
>>  <broader id="PARENT_NODE">
>>  ... properties
>>  <narrower id="CHILD_NODE">
>> so each node should be separate XML element.
>> Thanks.
>> Best regards,
>> Oleksandr Mandryk
>> On Monday, March 6, 2017 at 11:13:00 PM UTC+1, Holger Knublauch wrote: 
>>> On 7/03/2017 0:40, Oleksandr Mandryk wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to create a SPARQLMotion script that will export specified 
>>> taxonomy to the custom XML output.
>>> Currently my script is based no these modules:
>>> *spl:Argument* -> *sml:ImportRDFFromWorkspace* -> *sml:ConvertRDFToXML* 
>>> -> *sml:ReturnXML*
>>> But when I run this script I get only the first (root) node of the 
>>> specified projectGraph:
>>> <skos:Concept xmlns:composite=
>>> "http://www.topbraid.org/2007/05/composite.owl"; 
>>> <http://www.topbraid.org/2007/05/composite.owl> xmlns:skos=
>>> "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core"; 
>>> <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core> skos:prefLabel=Root Test Node"/>
>>> So I have a few questions:
>>> 1) Is my approach correct? I mean spl:Argument -> 
>>> sml:ImportRDFFromWorkspace -> sml:ConvertRDFToXML -> sml:ReturnXML
>>> 2) Why I'm receiving only first node as result but not all?
>>> 3) How to specify a custom template for the XML, for example I need 
>>> something like this:
>>> <rdf:RDF
>>>     xmlns:ui="http://uispin.org/ui#"; <http://uispin.org/ui#>
>>>     xmlns:let="http://uispin.org/let#"; <http://uispin.org/let#>
>>>  ... >
>>> <rdf:Description rdf:about=
>>> "http://test.com/Concept_7c932ea3-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a"; 
>>> <http://test.com/Concept_7c932ea3-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a>>
>>>   <rdfs:label rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"; 
>>> <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string>>NodeLabel</rdfs:label>
>>>   <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept"; 
>>> <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept>/>
>>>   <skos:broader rdf:resource=
>>> "http://test.com/#Concept_7c932e90-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a"; 
>>> <http://test.com/#Concept_7c932e90-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a>/>
>>>   <skos:narrower rdf:resource=
>>> "http://test.com/#Concept_7c932ea8-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a"; 
>>> <http://test.com/#Concept_7c932ea8-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a>/>
>>>   <skos:narrower rdf:resource=
>>> "http://test.com/#Concept_7c932ea5-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a"; 
>>> <http://test.com/#Concept_7c932ea5-2b5b-11b2-8037-eac2f42a0c5a>/>
>>>   ... other properties
>>> </rdf:Description>
>>> ...
>>> </rdf:RDF>
>>> This output looks very much like RDF/XML. How does it differ, and could 
>>> you simply use sml:ReturnRDF?
>>> Holger
>>> Thank you very much!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Oleksandr Mandryk
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