On 8/09/2018 8:16 AM, Adam Kimball wrote:

I've run into a few different scenarios where I would like something to be both a class and an instance.  For me, this happens when I model something as a skos:Concept because I want to refer to the abstract Thing but later have a need to refer to individual Things.  In the past, I have always been freaked out by this problem so I've found ways around it that aren't very elegant.  But I'm working on a new project now where I might Stop Worrying About Owl, and Learn to Love SHACL.

I can't imagine why or how the concept of punning could cause problems in SHACL but I think this list would have the people who could provide a definitive answer.

So, can I pun freely?

Yes. SHACL is based on RDF graphs, no other hidden assumptions.


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