Oh I guess I made a copy and paste mistake. Change the line to sh:object p3point_validation:Melanoma because that's the rdf:type you want to infer?


On 30/06/2020 13:53, Emily Zhang wrote:
Thank for the quick reply, Holger! It make sense that I should define the rule under Patient class. However, how can I link the rule to "Melanoma" since its the the instance of patient should be inferred as? Should I define the "melanoma" as the sh:node under sh:filtershape?
Thanks again,

在 2020年6月29日星期一 UTC-5下午10:30:58,Holger Knublauch写道:

    Hi Emily,

    the definition below doesn't look correct: you can only use
    sh:values rules in a property shape, not in a class or node shape.
    Also, any such rule would need to be attached to the class Patient
    because you want to apply it to all instances of that class to
    infer an additional triple. It may work better if you have
    something like

        sh:rule [
            a sh:TripleRule ;
            sh:subject sh:this;
            sh:predicate rdf:type ;
            sh:object p3point_validation:Patient ;
            sh:condition [
                # your sh:filterShape, i.e. start with sh:property
    sh:property [

    sh:path p3point_validation:point_dermfeatures ;

    sh:in (




    ) ;

    sh:maxCount 3 ;    # Are those constraints really needed?

    sh:minCount 2 ;

    ] ;


    On 30/06/2020 13:14, Emily Zhang wrote:
    Thanks so much for the detailed reply! I actually found out that
    sh:in might be a better choice for me.
    To give a summary of my question:
    It's a inference question that all the instances of "Patient" who
    has the property of "3point_dermfeatures" that satisfy the
    constrain: (a): their features are within the range of "Atypical,
    Asymmetry, blue_white_structure"; (b): the number of all the
    features are in the range [2,3]; should be inferred to as having
    the disease of "Melanoma".
    However, when I tried to "Run Inferences" for the instance of
    "Patient", nothing returned. Do you think it has something to do
    with my source code?
    Here is the source code I've edited according to to tutorial.


    rdf:type owl:Class ;

    rdf:type sh:NodeShape ;

    rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;

    sh:values [

    sh:filterShape [

    sh:property [

    sh:path p3point_validation:point_dermfeatures ;

    sh:in (




    ) ;

    sh:maxCount 3 ;

    sh:minCount 2 ;

    ] ;

    ] ;

    sh:nodes [

    sh:path p3point_validation:Patient ;

    ] ;

    ] ;


    在 2020年6月29日星期一 UTC-5下午7:04:49,Irene Polikoff写道:

        Hi Emily,

        I am not sure I understand the question. OWL is OWL and SHACL
        is SHACL.  They are different languages with different
        semantics. OWL is based on the Open World Assumption and
        SHACL is not.

        You can combine OWL axioms and SHACL constraints and rules in
        the same RDF graph if this is what you mean by “using together”.

        There are similarities between SHACL and OWL and you can find
        constraint components in SHACL that are similar to certain
        OWL restrictions. If your question is “what in SHACL would be
        similar to the OWL allValueFrom and someValuesFrom
        restrictions", then:

        For allValuesFrom, if values are resources, use sh:class -
        this means that all values must be members of the specified
        class. If values are literals, use sh:datatype.

        OWL someValuesFrom is simply a short hand for a qualified
        cardinality restriction with min = 1. In other words, at
        least one value must satisfy the restriction, others could be
        different. In SHACL, you could use qualified value shapes for
        something similar to the qualified cardinality restrictions.

        There is no short hand for someValuesFrom in the spec, we we
        have defined dash:hasValueWithClass in the dash
        (http://datashapes.org/dash) namespace. You can find it at
        <http://datashapes.org/dash.ttl> and some documentation at

        You can also take a look at the mapping from OWL to SHACL
        that is used by TopBraid to auto-generate SHACL from
        RDFS/OWL. It is described in
        For the most up to date version of the rules, see the file in
        the workspace.



        On Jun 29, 2020, at 6:47 PM, Emily Zhang
        <zxy10...@gmail.com> wrote:

        Hi Irene,
        Just wondering if I can use SHACL and the OWL function
        "allvaluesfrom" or "somevaluesfrom" together? I do see there
        is "hasvalue" function embedded in the SHACL file, however,
        I didn't find the other two functions.

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