Thanks for the quick reply. I feel like there is a misunderstanding here. I 
didn't modify the system file, I created my own shacl file and built my own 
namespace. I only modified the source code for one property which is a 
function I believe. 

在 2020年7月12日星期日 UTC-5下午10:24:10,Irene Polikoff写道:
> Please see below
> On Jul 12, 2020, at 10:42 PM, Emily Zhang < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> Hi Irene,
> I was trying to learn the key concepts while managing to finish this task. 
> I've read all the tutorials I could find before I start posting on this 
> forum. I wish there are documents that explain how TopBraid Composer works 
> in a more general way. For example, you said "I should never modify 
> shacl.ttl", I guess I won't learn that from any tutorials or classes. Even 
> if I am familiar with all the RDF concepts, I still wouldn't know that. 
> Yes, I believe you would. A general best practice and convention with RDF 
> is that you do not modify other people’s namespaces and files. You create 
> your own.
> In case of SHACL.ttl, if you looked at its description, you would see "This 
> vocabulary defines terms used in SHACL, the W3C Shapes Constraint Language."
> This is a standard ontology of SHACL language elements. It would be quite 
> peculiar to think that one should or even could put their own domain 
> specific shapes into it.
> Further, certain files in the TBC namespace are locked - because they are 
> system files. This includes shacl.ttl and a number of others. Users should 
> not be unlocking locked files and changing them.
> And when you create new files you should not put them into projects that 
> are pre-built - those that are in the workspace after install. You should 
> create your own project and use it for your artifacts. 
> And I don't know anyone else who has experience with TopBraid Composer. If 
> you think I need other training, please point me to. 
> Many thanks,
> Emily
> 在 2020年7月9日星期四 UTC-5上午8:44:21,Irene Polikoff写道:
>> Hi Emily,
>> There are too many misunderstandings and things to correct. We will not 
>> be able to help you through this on the mailing list. The learning gap is 
>> too large.
>> My recommendation, if you want to continue with this, is to go back to 
>> basics and do this step by step - learn RDF, including key concepts and 
>> terminology, learn how to work in TopBraid Composer, including managing 
>> graphs, understand modeling, etc. For example, you should never modify 
>> shacl.ttl. All the documentation I have been pointing you to is readily 
>> available - both on the web and in TBC itself under Help. You need to take 
>> some time to study these topics, go through tutorials, etc. If you are at a 
>> university, get help from your professors. If you are doing this from work, 
>> try to find a training class.
>> Then, may be you can try to progress to more technically advanced topics 
>> like SHACL rules.
>> Regards,
>> Irene
>> On Jul 9, 2020, at 12:55 AM, Emily Zhang <> wrote:
>> Hi Irene,
>> Thanks for the reply! The documents were really helpful! I think I 
>> understand the concept "graph" now. I've attached my answers to some of 
>> your questions below.
>> 1. What do you mean by “under”. How can an instance be under a property?
>>  So clearly, property shouldn't have instance. I wasn't sure what is the 
>> relationship between "diagnosis" and "melanoma" when you give this 
>> comment: "create a new property e.g., :diagnosis and infer :diagnosis 
>> :Melanoma". Is "melanoma" a label of the property "diagnosis"?
>> 2. How do your data triples look like?
>> Is your data graph separate from the graph containing your model and the 
>> rule or are they together? If they are separate, does your data graph 
>> owl:imports your shapes graph?
>> <>
>> By "data triples", my understanding is the classes, properties I defined 
>> in a graph, which in my case in "shacl.ttl". I've attached a screenshot of 
>> all the classes, properties I've created so far.
>> And they are all in the same graph. My rule was defined in the "source 
>> code" of "patient" class. 
>> <Screenshot 2020-07-08 23.47.20.png>
>> Appreciate a lot!
>> Best,
>> Emily
>> 在 2020年7月7日星期二 UTC-5下午11:29:14,Irene Polikoff写道:
>>> On Jul 8, 2020, at 12:04 AM, Emily Zhang <> wrote:
>>> Hi Irene,
>>> Great suggestions on creating a property for "Diagnosis". I've done that 
>>> but I am not exactly sure: 1) If I want to infer a patient has Melanoma, 
>>> should Melanoma be an instance under the property "Diagnosis”? 
>>> What do you mean by “under”. How can an instance be under a property?
>>> 2) You mentioned "I need to run it on a graph that has data and it must 
>>> include your model and rules.", I am not really familiar with the concept 
>>> "graph" in the Top Braid Composer. 
>>> 3) For the inferred results, since you mentioned I don't have to use 
>>> tosh:value for sparql in this case, I was expecting to "run inference" 
>>> against the instance of "Patient" and got a returned label for " Melanoma"? 
>>> But there was still nothing returned. The inference run successfully, 
>>> Not sure what is going wrong for you.
>>> 4) I even tried to add sparql query attached below, the "execute SPARQL" 
>>> button was grey somehow. 
>>> Here is the source code I used: 
>>> p3point_validation:Patient
>>>   rdf:type owl:Class ;
>>>   rdf:type sh:NodeShape ;
>>>   rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource ;
>>>   sh:rule [
>>>       rdf:type sh:TripleRule ;
>>>       sh:condition [
>>>           sh:property [
>>>               sh:path <
>>>> ;
>>>               sh:in (
>>>                   p3point_validation:Atypical
>>>                   p3point_validation:Asymmetry
>>>                   p3point_validation:Blue_white_structure
>>>                 ) ;
>>>               sh:maxCount 3 ;
>>>               sh:minCount 2 ;
>>>             ] ;
>>>         ] ;
>>>       sh:object p3point_validation:Melanoma ;
>>>       sh:predicate rdf:type ;
>>>       sh:subject sh:this ;
>>>     ] ;
>>> .
>>> How do your data triples look like?
>>> Is your data graph separate from the graph containing your model and the 
>>> rule or are they together? If they are separate, does your data graph 
>>> owl:imports your shapes graph?
>>> Here is the SPARQL query:
>>> *SELECT* *
>>> *WHERE* {
>>> ?Patient a schema: Patient .
>>>     (?Patient schema: Diagnosis) *tosh:values* ?Diagnosis .
>>> }
>>> Appreciate a lot!
>>> Best,
>>> Emily
>>> 在 2020年6月30日星期二 UTC-5下午5:34:47,Irene Polikoff写道:
>>>> Yes, if you are in Composer, then clicking on Run Inferencing would 
>>>> normally run SHACL rules. You will need to run it on a graph that has data 
>>>> and it must include your model and rules.
>>>> I do not know if Composer will run Property Value rules when Run 
>>>> Inferencing is pressed. Holger will know.
>>>> The whole point with Property Value rules is that values are calculated 
>>>> dynamically at query time, they are not stored any where. When you press 
>>>> Run Inferencing, however, inferred triples actually get materialized in a 
>>>> graph.
>>>> The page I sent you has a section entitled *Use of Inferred Values 
>>>> using SPARQL*. This is for dynamic inferencing.
>>>> If you Run Inferencing and get triples persisted/materialized, then you 
>>>> can query for them as you would for any other triple - nothing special is 
>>>> required.
>>>> On Jun 30, 2020, at 5:47 PM, Emily Zhang <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks, Irene! It's a great suggestion to create a new property for 
>>>> diagnosis:Melanoma. I will try to add sh:values for the new property. Just 
>>>> to clarify, I was using TopBraid Composer instead of EDG, and 
>>>> according to the tutorial, I should "press the Run Inferences button 
>>>> to materialize the inferences." 
>>>> For the materials you've provided so far, I've only seen the example 
>>>> GraphQL query to fetch the results. But I guess that's okay since I found 
>>>> another type of file in composer that I can create which is 
>>>> "GraphQL/SHACL" 
>>>> file. I could try to move my source code, write a GraphQL to query the 
>>>> results and press the Run Inferences button. Hopefully I can get the 
>>>> returned label "Melanoma" for that "patient".
>>>> 在 2020年6月30日星期二 UTC-5下午1:10:42,Irene Polikoff写道:
>>>>> Emily,
>>>>> If you have a shape like this
>>>>> p3point_validation:Patient a owl:Class, sh:NodeShape
>>>>>>     sh:rule [
>>>>>>         a sh:TripleRule ;
>>>>>>         sh:subject sh:this;
>>>>>>         sh:predicate rdf:type ;
>>>>>>         sh:objectp3point_validation:Melanoma;
>>>>>         sh:condition [
>>>>>>           sh:property [
>>>>>>               sh:path p3point_validation:point_dermfeatures ;
>>>>>>               sh:in (
>>>>>>                   p3point_validation:Atypical
>>>>>>                   p3point_validation:Asymmetry
>>>>>>                   p3point_validation:Blue_white_structure
>>>>>>                 ) ;
>>>>>>               sh:minCount 2 ;
>>>>>>             ] ;
>>>>>>         ]
>>>>>>     ]
>>>>> And you have an instance of p3point_validation:Patient with some of 
>>>>> the listed values for the p3point_validation:point_dermfeatures property, 
>>>>> you will get this inference - provided that the patient has at least 2 
>>>>> values for the property.
>>>>> I do not understand what you meant by "it only provided examples for 
>>>>> the EDG version”. EDG version of what? 
>>>>> EDG performs these inferences so yes, everything you see is for EDG.
>>>>> How are you running the inferences? You need to go to the Transform 
>>>>> tab in EDG to execute.
>>>>> If you wanting to invoke inference execution programmatically, then, 
>>>>> as explained in the slides, you need to script it. You will need to write 
>>>>> a 
>>>>> script that will call the SPARQLMotion module - again, explained in the 
>>>>> slides. This would be either SWP or SPARQLMotion script, but to do so, 
>>>>> you 
>>>>> will need to get familiar with these scripting technologies and it will 
>>>>> take you some time. I doubt that we will be able to get you 
>>>>> successfully through this learning curve just by using this mailing list. 
>>>>> It will need you to take some training/mentoring.
>>>>> GraphQL example in the slides was to show that if you are using 
>>>>> sh:values to infer property values, a dynamically inferred value of a 
>>>>> property will be available to the GraphQL query. Sh:values inferences get 
>>>>> computed on the fly and they do not need any triggering. For your 
>>>>> example, 
>>>>> however, we are not using sh:values. So, this is irrelevant to 
>>>>> your particular example. 
>>>>> Inferred values will be available to SPARQL queries as well. But 
>>>>> again, this is unconnected to what you are currently trying to accomplish.
>>>>> One reason we are not using sh:values for your example is that you are 
>>>>> trying to infer the type of a resource. A property backed by sh:values 
>>>>> rule 
>>>>> is protected from edits. It is always system generated on a fly. We would 
>>>>> not want this for rdf:type since when you create a new resource, you 
>>>>> specify its type. 
>>>>> Another approach is not to infer rdf:type Melanoma for the patient. 
>>>>> Instead, create a new property e.g., :diagnosis and infer :diagnosis 
>>>>> :Melanoma. After all, a patient is not melanoma, he has melanoma, but he 
>>>>> is 
>>>>> not a disease, he is a person.
>>>>> If you do this, then you will be able to use sh:values. And then, the 
>>>>> inference will happen on the fly. You will be able to get the inferred 
>>>>> value in a GraphQL query as explained in the slides. To get it in a 
>>>>> SPARQL 
>>>>> query, you need to use tosh:values. See 
>>>>> for an example of a 
>>>>> SPARQL query to retrieve dynamically inferred values.
>>>>> On Jun 30, 2020, at 12:40 PM, Emily Zhang <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, Hogler! I've revised the code accordingly, however, when I 
>>>>> "Run Inference" against the instance of "Patient", still nothing 
>>>>> returned. 
>>>>> I am wondering whether that's because I should write a GraphQL/SPARQL 
>>>>> query 
>>>>> for inference? I've read the slides provided by Irene, very helpful, 
>>>>> thank 
>>>>> you! But it only provided examples for the EDG version. It did provide 
>>>>> example for GraphQL query, but I am using SHACL file right now, and I 
>>>>> think 
>>>>> it only contains the SPARQL query function. 
>>>>> 在 2020年6月29日星期一 UTC-5下午10:54:59,Holger Knublauch写道:
>>>>> Oh I guess I made a copy and paste mistake. Change the line 
>>>>> to sh:object p3point_validation:Melanoma because that's the rdf:type you 
>>>>> want to infer?
>>>>> Holger
>>>>> On 30/06/2020 13:53, Emily Zhang wrote:
>>>>> Thank for the quick reply, Holger! It make sense that I should define 
>>>>> the rule under Patient class. However, how can I link the rule to 
>>>>> "Melanoma" since its the the instance of patient should be inferred as? 
>>>>> Should I define the "melanoma" as the sh:node under sh:filtershape?
>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>> Emily
>>>>> 在 2020年6月29日星期一 UTC-5下午10:30:58,Holger Knublauch写道:
>>>>> Hi Emily,
>>>>> the definition below doesn't look correct: you can only use sh:values 
>>>>> rules in a property shape, not in a class or node shape. Also, any such 
>>>>> rule would need to be attached to the class Patient because you want to 
>>>>> apply it to all instances of that class to infer an additional triple. It 
>>>>> may work better if you have something like
>>>>> :Patient
>>>>>     sh:rule [
>>>>>         a sh:TripleRule ;
>>>>>         sh:subject sh:this;
>>>>>         sh:predicate rdf:type ;
>>>>>         sh:object p3point_validation:Patient ;
>>>>>         sh:condition [
>>>>>             # your sh:filterShape, i.e. start with sh:property
>>>>>           sh:property [
>>>>>               sh:path p3point_validation:point_dermfeatures ;
>>>>>               sh:in (
>>>>>                   p3point_validation:Atypical
>>>>>                   p3point_validation:Asymmetry
>>>>>                   p3point_validation:Blue_white_structure
>>>>>                 ) ;
>>>>>               sh:maxCount 3 ;    # Are those constraints really needed?
>>>>>               sh:minCount 2 ;
>>>>>             ] ;
>>>>>         ]
>>>>>     ]
>>>>> HTH
>>>>> Holger
>>>>> On 30/06/2020 13:14, Emily Zhang wrote:
>>>>> Thanks so much for the detailed reply! I actually found out that sh:in 
>>>>> might be a better choice for me. 
>>>>> To give a summary of my question: 
>>>>> It's a inference question that all the instances of "Patient" who has 
>>>>> the property of "3point_dermfeatures" that satisfy the constrain: (a): 
>>>>> their features are within the range of "Atypical, 
>>>>> Asymmetry, blue_white_structure"; (b): the number of all the features 
>>>>> are in the range [2,3]; should be inferred to as having the disease of 
>>>>> "Melanoma".
>>>>> However, when I tried to "Run Inferences" for the instance of 
>>>>> "Patient", nothing returned. Do you think it has something to do with my 
>>>>> source code?
>>>>> Here is the source code I've edited according to to tutorial. 
>>>>> p3point_validation:Melanoma
>>>>>   rdf:type owl:Class ;
>>>>>   rdf:type sh:NodeShape ;
>>>>>   rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
>>>>>   sh:values [
>>>>>       sh:filterShape [
>>>>>           sh:property [
>>>>>               sh:path p3point_validation:point_dermfeatures ;
>>>>>               sh:in (
>>>>>                   p3point_validation:Atypical
>>>>>                   p3point_validation:Asymmetry
>>>>>                   p3point_validation:Blue_white_structure
>>>>>                 ) ;
>>>>>               sh:maxCount 3 ;
>>>>>               sh:minCount 2 ;
>>>>>             ] ;
>>>>>         ] ;
>>>>>       sh:nodes [
>>>>>           sh:path p3point_validation:Patient ;
>>>>>         ] ;
>>>>>     ] ;
>>>>> .
>>>>> 在 2020年6月29日星期一 UTC-5下午7:04:49,Irene Polikoff写道:
>>>>> Hi Emily,
>>>>> I am not sure I understand the question. OWL is OWL and SHACL is 
>>>>> SHACL.  They are different languages with different semantics. OWL is 
>>>>> based 
>>>>> on the Open World Assumption and SHACL is not.
>>>>> You can combine OWL axioms and SHACL constraints and rules in the same 
>>>>> RDF graph if this is what you mean by “using together”.
>>>>> There are similarities between SHACL and OWL and you can find 
>>>>> constraint components in SHACL that are similar to certain 
>>>>> OWL restrictions. If your question is “what in SHACL would be similar to 
>>>>> the OWL allValueFrom and someValuesFrom restrictions", then:
>>>>> For allValuesFrom, if values are resources, use sh:class - this means 
>>>>> that all values must be members of the specified class. If values are 
>>>>> literals, use sh:datatype.
>>>>> OWL someValuesFrom is simply a short hand for a qualified cardinality 
>>>>> restriction with min = 1. In other words, at least one value must satisfy 
>>>>> the restriction, others could be different. In SHACL, you could use 
>>>>> qualified value shapes for something similar to the qualified cardinality 
>>>>> restrictions. See
>>>>> shacl/#QualifiedValueShapeConstraintComponent.
>>>>> There is no short hand for someValuesFrom in the spec, we we have 
>>>>> defined dash:hasValueWithClass in the dash ( 
>>>>> namespace. 
>>>>> You can find it at and some 
>>>>> documentation at 
>>>>> You can also take a look at the mapping from OWL to SHACL that is used 
>>>>> by TopBraid to auto-generate SHACL from RDFS/OWL. It is described in 
>>>>> For 
>>>>> the most up to date version of the rules, see the file in the workspace.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Irene
>>>>> On Jun 29, 2020, at 6:47 PM, Emily Zhang <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Irene,
>>>>> Just wondering if I can use SHACL and the OWL function 
>>>>> "allvaluesfrom" or "somevaluesfrom" together? I do see there is 
>>>>> "hasvalue" 
>>>>> function embedded in the SHACL file, however, I didn't find the other 
>>>>> two functions.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Emily
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