Hi Holger,

I was thinking it worked like SPARQL syntax.  Thanks for clearing that up!
Now my SWPs will be much more effective.  :)


On Mon, Aug 17, 2020, 7:11 PM Holger Knublauch <hol...@topquadrant.com>

> Hi Tim,
> you were almost there. The missing info is that ui:update will only write
> to the context graph when done, not any graph mentioned in the INSERT. So
> change it to
> <ui:setContext ui:queryGraph="&lt;
> http://example.com/swp_write_to_graph_output&gt;";>
>         <ui:update ui:updateQuery="{!
>                 INSERT {
>                     ?s ?p ?o .
>                 }
>                 WHERE {
>                     GRAPH ui:tempGraphFinalOutput {
>                         ?s ?p ?o .
>                     } .
>                 } }"/>
>     </ui:setContext>
> which makes the target graph the active context graph while the source
> graph is moved into the WHERE clause.
> You may also want to wrap the ui:update with a ui:transaction if you want
> to bundle multiple updates into a single save step. It will otherwise
> auto-create a transaction for each nested ui:update.
> HTH and thanks for taking the time to prepare the bundled example.
> Holger
> On 18/08/2020 05:34, Tim Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> I cannot write to an existing graph in the workspace from an SWP.  This is
> a problem that has plagued me since TBC 5.1.4 so perhaps I'm doing
> something wrong.  I've attached a minimal example as a project.
> The file, swp_write_to_graph.ui.ttlx contains a subclass of ui:Services
> called w2g:w2graph.  In the ui:prototype, I populate a temp graph
> (ui:tempGraphFinalOutput) with a single triple.  ui:prototype shown below.
> Next, I dump the temp graph to a temporary file using ui:dumpGraph to
> ensure ui:tempGraphFinalOutput contains the triple.  This works as
> expected.  Then I try to insert the contents into an RDF file that exists
> in the workspace.  This file contains nothing but the triples TBC creates
> when a new RDF file is created.
> The SWP call completes successfully but the single triple is not inserted
> into the existing graph.
> The SWP is called using:
> http://localhost:8083/tbl/swp?_viewClass=w2g:w2graph&outputGraph=http://example.com/swp_write_to_graph_output&_contextdebug=true
> What am I missing such that I cannot insert triples into existing graphs
> from an SWP?
> Note that my ultimate goal is to pass the name of the output graph into
> the SWP so you will see a constraint setup for that purpose but it is not
> used in this example.
> Any help would be appreciated.  I need to create a number of SWPs and
> being able to manipulate graphs at will is a skill I need.
> Tim
> <ui:group let:outputFileGraph="{= IRI(?outputGraph) }">
>     <h3>The output graph is {= ?outputGraph }  Graph: {= ?outputFileGraph
> }</h3>{= smf:trace("Populating the temp graph... ") }<ui:update
> ui:updateQuery="{!
>             INSERT {
>                 GRAPH ui:tempGraphFinalOutput {
>                     ?uri rdfs:label &quot;I am a Thing&quot; .
>                 } .
>             }
>             WHERE {
>                 BIND (spif:buildURI(&quot;&lt;
> http://example.com/{?1}&gt;&quot;, &quot;i_am_a_thing&quot;) AS ?uri) .
>             } }"/>{= smf:trace("Finished!") }
> {= smf:trace("Dumping to the debug graph...") }<ui:dumpGraph
> ui:filePath="/SWP_Example/swp_write_to_graph_debug_output.ttl"
> ui:graph="ui:tempGraphFinalOutput"/>
>     <!-- Try to insert into the output graph -->{= smf:trace("Writing
> output graph... ") }<ui:setContext ui:queryGraph="ui:tempGraphFinalOutput">
>         <ui:update ui:updateQuery="{!
>                 INSERT {
>                     GRAPH &lt;
> http://example.com/swp_write_to_graph_output&gt; {
>                         ?s ?p ?o .
>                     } .
>                 }
>                 WHERE {
>                     ?s ?p ?o .
>                 } }"/>
>     </ui:setContext>
> </ui:group>
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