On 16/09/2020 06:13, cbur...@healthwise.org wrote:
2. *A different property pair constraint:* This
case is nearly the opposite of the above. Suppose
I wish to specify that any value of ex:property4
(which has sh:maxCount 1) *must be* one of the
values of ex:property5 (which has no sh:maxCount).
How would I express that? (I don't see a way to do
it using sh:equals.)
SPARQL-based constraint
Yes or dash:subSetOf already implements this SPARQL
Holger, when using dash:subSetOf, is there a way to put an *or *in
there? Like, a property's value must be a subset of property_1 OR
One option is to surround it with an outer sh:or, e.g.
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:or (
sh:property [
sh:path ex:property1 ;
dash:subSetOf ex:other ;
sh:property [
sh:path ex:property2 ;
dash:subSetOf ex:other ;
) .
Depending on your desired semantics, you may also use a | path expression:
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:property [
sh:path [
sh:alternativePath ( ex:property1 ex:property2 )
] ;
dash:subSetOf ex:other ;
] .
The meaning of the latter is that the combined values of prop1 and prop2
must be a subset, so this may not be the exact semantics that you need.
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