Thx will adapt (import out at rdfs & copy preflabel/definition also to rdfs)
isDefinedBy can as I see the definition also be used for elements of ontologies 
(domain and ranges are resource in general). It feels a bit more semantic then 
seeAlso… 😊
but now that part of that definition is copied to rdfs, seeAlso becomes an 
alternative option.
(lets further discuss among ourselves in nen2660/sml)

gr Michel

Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Bohms
Scientist Specialist
Structural Reliability

T +31 (0)88 866 31 07
M +31 (0)63 038 12 20



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Van: Sander Stolk <>
Verzonden: woensdag 30 juni 2021 08:38
Aan: Bohms, H.M. (Michel) <>
Onderwerp: Re: [topbraid-users] label position

Dear all,

I concur with David's view on the matter. SKOS and RDFS or OWL worlds are best 
kept separate. The import, too, is best left out.

Referring to one or the other 'world' via rdfs:isDefinedBy or rdfs:seeAlso is 
certainly an option.
>From practice, I see rdfs:isDefinedBy mostly used for indicating the ontology 
>itself that has defined the term/URI.
e.g.,   <>  rdfs:isDefinedBy  <> 
Therefore, I wonder whether rdfs:seeAlso would not be preferable over 
rdfs:isDefinedBy when linking a SKOS perspective to an RDFS one. In fact, 
considering the SKOS version will, as Michel just mentioned, not truly contain 
any additional information compared to the RDFS version, perhaps it is better 
to leave such cross-references out altogether.

Best wishes,

Op di 29 jun. 2021 om 16:01 schreef Bohms, H.M. (Michel) 
Thx Irene

Following offline discussion with David I guess we better split the 2 worlds 
(skos versus non-skos (ie rdfs/owl/shacl)):

  *   No import of skos scheme in rdfs ont
  *   Copy prefLabel, altLabel, definition also to rdfs items (satisfying your 
note in the end)
  *   Keep the isDefinedBy, doing no harm, expecting no special semantics just 
a common way to be able to navigate from rdfs to skos where there could be more 
(more languages, broaders, groupings, examples, …)
Gr michel

<<>> On 
Behalf Of Irene Polikoff
Sent: dinsdag 29 juni 2021 15:54
Cc:<>; Sander Stolk 
Subject: Re: [topbraid-users] label position

I will answer this question from two perspectives:

1. Standards
2. TopBraid EDG

1. From the standards perspective, rdfs:isDefinedBy is a utility property that 
has no standard semantics.

It is typically used to connect a resource to its “home” vocabulary (a graph). 
This is the use case specifically mentioned by the RDFS specification and this 
is how it is typically used in practice.

Not having standard semantics means that users are generally free to use it in 
any way they want - with an understanding that there is no standard treatment 
of it by tools. A tool could decide to do something special when they see this 
property - or not. Most (all?) tools don’t.

Thus, if your intended semantics (meaning) is that the object of a triple with 
rdfs:isDefinedBy predicate carries a label and a definition for the subject of 
that triple, it is up to you to implement software that will understand this 
semantics and will act on it. You can’t expect that a standards compliant tools 
will understand this.

2. How TopBraid EDG will treat this information

As per above, by default, TopBraid EDG will simply treat a triple with 
rdfs:isDefinedBy predicate the same ass any other triple. It will not mean 
anything special to EDG - unless you tell EDG that it has a special meaning.

You can define inference rules to give rdfs:isDefinedBy a special meaning. For 
example, the property value rule below will automatically infer skos:definition 
for sml:Activity from sml-term:Activity.

Or, more generally, for any class from any concept connected to it by 

  sh:property owl:Class-definition ;
sh:property owl:Class-isDefinedBy ;

  a sh:PropertyShape ;
  sh:path rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
  sh:class skos:Concept ;

  a sh:PropertyShape ;
  sh:path skos:definition ;
  sh:values [
      sh:path skos:definition ;
      sh:nodes [
          sh:path rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
        ] ;
    ] ;

Note: You can do this for any property except for the 
rdfs:label/skos:prefLabel. EDG uses special indexing and algorithms for these 
labels and their values need to be asserted directly for each resource.

On Jun 29, 2021, at 3:46 AM, 'Bohms, H.M. (Michel)' via TopBraid Suite Users 
<<>> wrote:

Dear All,

We use the pattern:


  a skos:Concept ;

  skos:broader sml-term:Entity ;

  skos:definition "An activity is something possibly or actually happening in 
space and time"@en ;

  skos:prefLabel "Activity"@en ;



  a rdfs:Class ;

  rdfs:isDefinedBy sml-term:Activity ;

  rdfs:subClassOf sml:Entity ;


But this means that the label is only indirectly available for sml:Activity 
(via “isDefinedBy.prefLabel”)

Is this an issue? (many tools like to have a direct label for their classes)
Better solutions?
(I’d like to define only once, not double; label feels naturally close to 
definition; maybe only prefLabel to rdfs-variant and leave altLabel/definition 
at skos?)

Thx for advice,

Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Bohms
Scientist Specialist
Structural Reliability

T +31 (0)88 866 31 07
M +31 (0)63 038 12 20



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Sander Stolk
Head of Innovation

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