
With your recommendation, now at least I can see the following in the
object property:

[image: image.png]
I created an instance of traffic light, and added the property Color-label
to traffic light as domain,

but when I create the instance of the class traffic light, what I expect is
to have the possibility of

viewing the three possible colors for my traffic light, however I can not
visualize it.

[image: image.png]
previous property name was "label"


El mié, 17 abr 2024 a las 15:04, David Price (<dpr...@topquadrant.com>)

> Need the sh:in do be defined in PropertyShaps, not NodeShape.
> Example from eariler:
> example_schema:ThingWithStatus-hasStatus
>   a *sh:PropertyShape ;*
>   sh:path example_schema:hasStatus ;
>   sh:class example_schema:Status ;
>   sh:description "only Active or Retired allowed" ;
>   sh:in (
>       example_schema:Active
>       example_schema:Retired
>     ) ;
>   sh:maxCount 1 ;
>   sh:name "has status" ;
> .
> Cheers,
> David
> On 17 Apr 2024, at 14:00, 'Luis Enrique Ramos García' via TopBraid Suite
> Users <topbraid-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> sure,
> I created a similar ontology for testing with same results, here is the
> code:
> tesontologyramosenum:Color
>   a owl:Class ;
>   a sh:NodeShape ;
>   rdfs:label "Color" ;
>   rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
>   sh:in (
>       tesontologyramosenum:Green
>       tesontologyramosenum:Yellow
>       tesontologyramosenum:Red
>     ) ;
>   sh:property tesontologyramosenum:Color-label ;
> .
> the screen shot is this:
> <image.png>
> <image.png>
> with similar results, a datatype property without labeling, and a group of
> undeclared properties.
> Is this the expected result?
> How do I use this in traffic light instances, if that were the case?
> Luis
> El mié, 17 abr 2024 a las 14:41, Holger Knublauch (<hol...@topquadrant.com>)
> escribió:
>> Can you paste us the complete content of the source code panel, e.g. as a
>> screenshot? It's hard to see otherwise and there are syntax errors below.
>> Holger
>> On 17 Apr 2024, at 2:38 PM, 'Luis Enrique Ramos García' via TopBraid
>> Suite Users <topbraid-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> I need only 3 elements in the enum,
>> But, I tried at the first the source code edition, and told you the
>> result I got:
>> **********************************************************************************************************
>> 1. I tried to add the code by myself, but it seems there is something
>> wrong with the code:
>> sh:in (
>>       myontology:value1
>>        myontology _:value2
>>       myontology :value3
>>     ) ;
>> myontology:property1;
>> myontology:property2;
>> myontology:enumproperty;
>> Please, take in account that I edited the enum property just after the
>> sh:in, but the editor put it at the end
>> of the list of properties.
>> Part of the result was this black datatype property in properties list
>> <image.png>
>> and in the undeclared property there is a list with these values:
>> in                                          [myontology:property1;
>>                                           myontology:property1;
>>                                           myontology:enumproperty;]
>> is thát the expected result?
>> ******************************************************************************************************************
>> Luis
>> El mié, 17 abr 2024 a las 14:33, Holger Knublauch (<
>> hol...@topquadrant.com>) escribió:
>>> On 17 Apr 2024, at 2:30 PM, 'Luis Enrique Ramos García' via TopBraid
>>> Suite Users <topbraid-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your quick answer,
>>> But, dear, where should I add this code?.
>>> Because I tried to add it in the source code panel, and it didn't work,
>>> same with the script panel,
>>> where I expected it should work, but it did not.
>>> So, I owner in which panel should I add this code?.
>>> I do not have any idea how to use it.
>>> Yes, it requires JS experience. There is no out-of-the-box solution for
>>> what you are trying to express.
>>> How many enumerations do you need? If it's just a few, I would suggest
>>> going ahead with manual editing of sh:in lists in the Source Code.
>>> Holger
>>> Luis
>>> El mié, 17 abr 2024 a las 13:45, Holger Knublauch (<
>>> hol...@topquadrant.com>) escribió:
>>>> On 17 Apr 2024, at 1:38 PM, 'Luis Enrique Ramos García' via TopBraid
>>>> Suite Users <topbraid-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>> I am working with version Version: 7.5.1 (20230316-1531).
>>>> Ok then the script may not work, assuming the RDFNodeUtil object was
>>>> introduced later.
>>>> In that case source code editing may be your best solution, unless you
>>>> know how to use this
>>>> createList: (nodes) => {
>>>> let nil = graph.namedNode(rdf.NS + 'nil');
>>>> if(nodes.length == 0) {
>>>> return nil;
>>>> }
>>>> let root = graph.blankNode();
>>>> let current = root;
>>>> nodes.forEach((node, index) => {
>>>> current.add(rdf.first, node);
>>>> let rest = index < nodes.length - 1 ? graph.blankNode() : nil;
>>>> current.add(rdf.rest, rest);
>>>> current = rest;
>>>> })
>>>> return root;
>>>> },
>>>> I included an script panel, refreshed it, and I have this view:
>>>> <image.png>
>>>> When I run the script I can see my class, the one for which I want to
>>>> create the enum, is the result of focusNode.
>>>> But, when I click in "Declare enumerations from instances" I get the
>>>> same result again:
>>>> <image.png>
>>>> I have a question:
>>>> how does my script know from which class I do want to get my instances
>>>> for the enum list?.
>>>> The infrastructure around the ModifyAction will make sure that the
>>>> variable focusNode points at the asset that
>>>> the action was called from (in the Modify menu).
>>>> Because I think you are using the same class color?, how do I relate
>>>> the class traffic light there?
>>>> What I want to say is something like this:
>>>> Product hasSize oneof  Size (short, medium, large)
>>>> And at this moment my focus is in *Product*, not in *Size*.
>>>> In SHACL you can either add sh:in to a class/node shape or to a
>>>> property shape. If you just want to add it to a specific property then a
>>>> different script would be needed.
>>>> Holger
>>>> Luis
>>>> El mié, 17 abr 2024 a las 11:50, Holger Knublauch (<
>>>> hol...@topquadrant.com>) escribió:
>>>>> On 17 Apr 2024, at 11:29 AM, 'Luis Enrique Ramos García' via TopBraid
>>>>> Suite Users <topbraid-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>>> I added the code at the end of the code of the target class, and got
>>>>> this result:
>>>>> <image.png>
>>>>> When I click in "Declare enumeration from instances, I get this view:
>>>>> <image.png>
>>>>> This looks unexpected. What version are you on? The RDFNodeUtil object
>>>>> should be there. Maybe try the Refresh button in the Script Editor panel.
>>>>> <image.png>
>>>>> Then, I wonder how to make the system know where my list of enum
>>>>> values are?
>>>>> It will simply look at the already-existing instances of the currently
>>>>> selected class, see graph.every(focusNode) where focusNode is the current
>>>>> class.
>>>>> Holger
>>>>> Luis
>>>>> El mié, 17 abr 2024 a las 10:51, Luis Enrique Ramos García (<
>>>>> luisenriqueramos1...@googlemail.com>) escribió:
>>>>>> Hi Holger,
>>>>>> Thanks for your answer, but to be frank I find these procedures very
>>>>>> complicated.
>>>>>> In my opinion the enum is a very common pattern, and I understand
>>>>>> when to use it.
>>>>>> Anyway, let's try to solve the issue
>>>>>> 1. I tried to add the code by myself, but it seems there is something
>>>>>> wrong with the code:
>>>>>> sh:in (
>>>>>>       myontology:value1
>>>>>>        myontology _:value2
>>>>>>       myontology :value3
>>>>>>     ) ;
>>>>>> myontology:property1;
>>>>>> myontology:property2;
>>>>>> myontology:enumproperty;
>>>>>> Please, take in account that I edited the enum property just after
>>>>>> the sh:in, but the editor put it at the end
>>>>>> of the list of properties.
>>>>>> Part of the result was this black datatype property in properties list
>>>>>> <image.png>
>>>>>> and in the undeclared property there is a list with these values:
>>>>>> in                                          [myontology:property1;
>>>>>>                                           myontology:property1;
>>>>>>                                           myontology:enumproperty;]
>>>>>> is thát the expected result?
>>>>>> if not, for the second option,
>>>>>> where do I have to insert this code:
>>>>>> focusNode.add(sh.in, RDFNodeUtil.createList(graph.every(focusNode)))
>>>>>> do I have to add this code at the beginning of the code of my
>>>>>> ontology?
>>>>>> myontology:ClassActionsGroup
>>>>>> a dash:ActionGroup ;
>>>>>> rdfs:label "Class actions group" ;
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> myontology:DeclareEnumerationFromInstances
>>>>>> a dash:ModifyAction ;
>>>>>> dash:actionGroup myontology:ClassActionsGroup ;
>>>>>> dash:js "focusNode.add(sh.in,
>>>>>> RDFNodeUtil.createList(graph.every(focusNode)))" ;
>>>>>> rdfs:comment "Adds a sh:in declaration that enumerates all (current)
>>>>>> instances of the selected class." ;
>>>>>> rdfs:label "Declare enumeration from instances" ;
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> rdfs:Class
>>>>>> dash:resourceAction myontology:DeclareEnumerationFromInstances ;
>>>>>> I have not done this before, if you have a tutorial or some document
>>>>>> I could read, I would really appreciate
>>>>>> if you can share it with me.
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Luis Ramos
>>>>>> El mié, 17 abr 2024 a las 10:00, Holger Knublauch (<
>>>>>> hol...@topquadrant.com>) escribió:
>>>>>>> Hi Luis,
>>>>>>> declaring an enumerated class is achieved in SHACL via sh:in. There
>>>>>>> is no dedicated user interface for creating those quickly, as this isn't
>>>>>>> anything that we have seen used much so far. I guess this is because the
>>>>>>> user interface for entering instance data is already a drop down box
>>>>>>> anyway, typically deemed good enough.
>>>>>>> The main reason for creating enumerations would be to make sure that
>>>>>>> ONLY those enumerated values will ever be permitted. For example, the
>>>>>>> colors of a traffic light must only be red, green, yellow, but never 
>>>>>>> blue
>>>>>>> even if someone adds such an instance later.
>>>>>>> To create those, you have various options. Advanced users would use
>>>>>>> the source code panel to enter the sh:in expression. However, similar to
>>>>>>> what we had in TBC, I think this can be automated easily. Basically the
>>>>>>> following ADS script produces an sh:in enumeration for the selected 
>>>>>>> class:
>>>>>>> focusNode.add(sh.in, RDFNodeUtil.createList(graph.every(focusNode)))
>>>>>>> We can wrap this into a Modify Action (feel free to add the below to
>>>>>>> your Ontology or a file that is included into your ontology):
>>>>>>> myontology:ClassActionsGroup
>>>>>>> a dash:ActionGroup ;
>>>>>>> rdfs:label "Class actions group" ;
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> myontology:DeclareEnumerationFromInstances
>>>>>>> a dash:ModifyAction ;
>>>>>>> dash:actionGroup myontology:ClassActionsGroup ;
>>>>>>> dash:js "focusNode.add(sh.in,
>>>>>>> RDFNodeUtil.createList(graph.every(focusNode)))" ;
>>>>>>> rdfs:comment "Adds a sh:in declaration that enumerates all
>>>>>>> (current) instances of the selected class." ;
>>>>>>> rdfs:label "Declare enumeration from instances" ;
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> rdfs:Class
>>>>>>> dash:resourceAction myontology:DeclareEnumerationFromInstances ;
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> With this in place, you can run it from the Modify menu of any class:
>>>>>>> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
>>>>>>> which will produce
>>>>>>> myontology:Color
>>>>>>> a owl:Class ;
>>>>>>> a sh:NodeShape ;
>>>>>>> rdfs:label "Color" ;
>>>>>>> rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing ;
>>>>>>> sh:in (
>>>>>>> myontology:Green
>>>>>>> myontology:Yellow
>>>>>>> myontology:Red
>>>>>>> ) ;
>>>>>>> sh:property myontology:Color-label ;
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> Note that sh:in isn't displayed by default on the form of classes -
>>>>>>> again because this isn't such a commonly used pattern. To make them
>>>>>>> visible, switch the form to Also show undeclared properties.
>>>>>>> If people find this useful, we could add improvements to this for
>>>>>>> 8.1.
>>>>>>> Holger
>>>>>>> On 17 Apr 2024, at 9:32 AM, 'Luis Enrique Ramos García' via TopBraid
>>>>>>> Suite Users <topbraid-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I need to model an enum,
>>>>>>> and found this non uptodate tutorial:
>>>>>>> https://topbraidcomposer.org/html/Create_an_enumeration.htm
>>>>>>> Thus, I wonder if there is an uptodate procedure to create an enum
>>>>>>> in EDG?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Luis
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