commit 8a852f94acd7cb3a4534bec1b137efb093fa9410
Author: Translation commit bot <>
Date:   Thu Jan 21 11:28:54 2016 +0000

    Update translations for tor-launcher-network-settings
 es/network-settings.dtd |   14 +++++++-------
 lt/network-settings.dtd |   38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/es/network-settings.dtd b/es/network-settings.dtd
index 6943cfa..13b8c28 100644
--- a/es/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/es/network-settings.dtd
@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@
 <!ENTITY torSettings.enterProxy "Introduzca los ajustes del proxy.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgePageTitle "Configuración de puentes Tor">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Su proveedor de servicios de Internet 
(ISP) bloquea o censura de alguna forma las conexiones hacia la red Tor?">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation1 "Si no está seguro de cómo responder 
a esta pregunta, elija No (si no puede conectarse a la red Tor sin un bridge, 
puede añadir uno más adelante).">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation2 "Si elige Si, se le pedirá configurar 
Tor Bridges (puentes), los cuales son Relays (repetidores) no listados que 
hacen más difícil el bloqueo de las conexiones hacia la red Tor.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation1 "Si no está seguro de cómo responder 
a esta pregunta, elija No (si no puede conectarse a la red Tor sin un puente 
(bridge), puede añadir uno más adelante).">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation2 "Si elige Sí, se le pedirá que 
configure los puentes (bridges) de Tor, que son repetidores no listados que 
dificultan el bloqueo de conexiones hacia la red Tor.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "Puede utilizar el conjunto de 
repetidores puente (bridge) proporcionado, o puede obtener e introducir un 
juego de puentes personalizado.">
 <!-- Other: -->
-<!ENTITY torsettings.startingTor "Esperando a que Tor arranque...">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.startingTor "Esperando a que Tor se inicie...">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.restartTor "Reiniciar Tor">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.reconfigTor "Configurar de nuevo">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.prompt "Tiene configurado Tor Bridges o 
ha introducido los ajustes de un proxy local.&#160; Para realizar una conexión 
directa a la red Tor, estos ajustes deben ser borrados.">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.proceed "Borrar ajustes y connecta">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.prompt "Ha configurado los puentes 
(bridges) de Tor o ha introducido los ajustes para proxy (interpuesto) 
local.&#160; Para realizar una conexión directa a la red Tor, estos ajustes 
deben ser borrados.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.proceed "Eliminar ajustes y conectar">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.optional "Opcional">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "Esta computadora necesita utilizar un 
proxy local para acceder a Internet">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "Tipo de proxy:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address "Dirección:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder "Dirección IP o nombre de 
máquina ('hostname')">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder "Dirección IP o nombre de 
máquina (host)">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.port "Puerto:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.username "Nombre de usuario:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.password "Contraseña:">
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Puertos permitidos:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "Mi Proveedor de Servicios de 
Internet (ISP) bloquea las conexiones a la red Tor">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Conectar con los puentes 
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.note "Cada tipo de Bridge usa un método 
diferente para evitar censura.&#160; Si un Bridge no funciona, intenta de nuevo 
utilizando otro diferente.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.note "Cada tipo de puente (bridge) usa un 
método diferente para evitar la censura.&#160; Si un repetidor puente no 
funciona, inténtelo de nuevo utilizando otro distinto.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "Tipo de transporte:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Introducir puentes personalizados">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.label "Introduzca uno o más repetidores 
puente(uno por línea).">
diff --git a/lt/network-settings.dtd b/lt/network-settings.dtd
index 4958908..78e4d6d 100644
--- a/lt/network-settings.dtd
+++ b/lt/network-settings.dtd
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.dialog.title "Tor tinklo nustatymai">
 <!-- For locale picker: -->
-<!ENTITY torlauncher.localePicker.title "Tor Browser Language">
-<!ENTITY torlauncher.localePicker.prompt "Please select a language.">
+<!ENTITY torlauncher.localePicker.title "Tor Browser kalba">
+<!ENTITY torlauncher.localePicker.prompt "Prašome pasirinkti kalbą.">
 <!-- For "first run" wizard: -->
-<!ENTITY torsettings.prompt "Before you connect to the Tor network, you need 
to provide information about this computer's Internet connection.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.prompt "Prieš tai, kaip prisijungsite prie Tor tinklo, 
jūs turite pateikti informaciją apie šio kompiuterio interneto ryšį.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.yes "Taip">
 <!ENTITY "Ne">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.firstQuestion "Kuris iš žemiau pateiktų apibrėžimų 
labiausiai atspindi Jūsų padėtį?">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt1 "This computer's Internet connection is 
censored or proxied.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "I need to configure bridge or local 
proxy settings before I connect to the Tor&#160;network.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.configure "Configure">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "I would like to make a direct connection 
to the Tor network.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt1 "Šio kompiuterio interneto ryšys yra 
cenzūruojamas arba jungiamas per įgaliotąjį serverį.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "Prieš jungiantis prie Tor&#160;tinklo, 
man reikia sukonfigūruoti tinklų tiltą ar vietinius įgaliotojo serverio 
+<!ENTITY torSettings.configure "Konfigūruoti">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "Aš norėčiau tiesiogiai prisijungti 
prie Tor tinklo.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt3 "Tai suveiks daugeliu situacijų.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.connect "Prisijungti">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyPageTitle "Local Proxy Configuration">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyPageTitle "Vietinio įgaliotojo serverio 
 <!ENTITY torSettings.proxyQuestion "Ar šis kompiuteris naudoja vietinį proxy 
prisijungimui prie interneto?">
 <!-- see -->
-<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyExplanation1 "In most cases a local proxy is not 
needed, but it may be required when connecting through a company, school, or 
university network.">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyExplanation2 "If you are not sure how to answer this 
question, look at the Internet settings in another browser or check your 
system's network settings to see whether a local proxy is needed.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyExplanation1 "Daugelyje atveju, vietinis 
įgaliotasis serveris yra nereikalingas, tačiau jo gali prireikti, jungiantis 
per kompanijos, mokyklos ar universiteto tinklą.">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyExplanation2 "Jeigu nesate tikri kaip atsakyti į 
šį klausimą, pažiūrėkite interneto nustatymus kitoje naršyklėje arba 
patikrinkite savo sistemos tinklo nustatymus, kad pamatytumėte ar vietinis 
įgaliotasis serveris yra reikalingas.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.enterProxy "Enter the proxy settings.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgePageTitle "Tor Bridges Configuration">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Does your Internet Service Provider (ISP) 
block or otherwise censor connections to the Tor Network?">
-<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation1 "If you are not sure how to answer 
this question, choose No (if you are unable to connect to the Tor network 
without a bridge, you can add one later).">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Ar jūsų interneto paslaugų tiekėjas 
(ISP) blokuoja ar kitaip cenzūruoja prisijungimus prie Tor tinklo?">
+<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation1 "Jeigu nesate tikri kaip atsakyti į 
šį klausimą, pasirinkite Ne (jeigu negalite prisijungti prie Tor tinklo be 
tinklų tilto, jūs galėsite jį pridėti vėliau).">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeExplanation2 "If you choose Yes, you will be asked 
to configure Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that make it more difficult 
to block connections to the Tor Network.">
 <!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "You may use the provided set of 
bridges or you may obtain and enter a custom set of bridges.">
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.restartTor "Pakartotinai paleisti Tor">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.reconfigTor "Reconfigure">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.prompt "You have configured Tor bridges 
or you have entered local proxy settings.&#160; To make a direct connection to 
the Tor network, these settings must be removed.">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.proceed "Remove Settings and Connect">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.prompt "Jūs esate sukofigūravę Tor 
tinklų tiltus arba esate įvedę vietinio įgaliotojo serverio 
nustatymus.&#160; Tam, kad galėtumėte tiesiogiai prisijungti prie Tor tinklo, 
šie nustatymai privalo būti pašalinti.">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.discardSettings.proceed "Å alinti nustatymus ir 
 <!ENTITY torsettings.optional "Nebūtina">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "This computer needs to use a local 
proxy to access the Internet">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "Šis kompiuteris turi naudoti vietinį 
įgaliotąjį serverį, kad gautų prieigą prie internetą.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "Proxy tipas:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address "Adresas:">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder "IP address or hostname">
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.socks5 "SOCKS 5">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.http "HTTP / HTTPS">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.checkbox "This computer goes through a firewall 
that only allows connections to certain ports">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Allowed Ports:">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "My Internet Service Provider (ISP) 
blocks connections to the Tor network">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Leidžiami prievadai:">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "Mano interneto paslaugų tiekėjas 
(ISP) blokuoja prisijungimus prie Tor tinklo">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Connect with provided bridges">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.note "Each type of bridge uses a different 
method to avoid censorship.&#160; If one bridge does not work, try again using 
a different one.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "Transport type:">
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.label "Enter one or more bridge relays (one 
per line).">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.placeholder "type address:port">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.copyLog "Copy Tor Log To Clipboard">
+<!ENTITY torsettings.copyLog "Kopijuoti Tor žurnalą į iškarpinę">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelpTitle "Bridge Relay Help">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "If you are unable to connect to the Tor 
network, it could be that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or another 
agency is blocking Tor.&#160; Often, you can work around this problem by using 
Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that are more difficult to block.">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1B "You may use the preconfigured, provided set 
of bridge addresses or you may obtain a custom set of addresses by using one of 
these three methods:">
@@ -70,6 +70,6 @@
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Use a web browser to visit";>
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3Heading "Through the Email Autoresponder">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3.emailDesc "Send email to with the line 'get bridges' by itself in the body of the 
message.&#160; However, to make it harder for an attacker to learn a lot of 
bridge addresses, you must send this request from one of the following email 
providers (listed in order of preference):">
-<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3.emailList ",, or";>
+<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3.emailList ",, ar";>
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "Through the Help Desk">
 <!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "As a last resort, you can request bridge 
addresses by sending a polite email message to; 
Please note that a person will need to respond to each request.">

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