Hello all,

Several of us [0] working on hidden services have been talking about adopting 
better terminology. Some of the problems with current terms are
        1. '''Hidden''' and '''Dark''' have a negative connotations.
        2. '''Hidden-service website''' is too long; '''hidden site''' is too 
        3. '''.onion''' (read "dot onion") is hard to say and not very 
        4. There is no general term for the set of available hidden services.
        5. The term '''encrypted service''' is too general. This term refers to 
a setup (still needing development) in which Tor is required to connect to a 
service, but the service location is not hidden. Even without server anonymity, 
this setup can provide enforced client anonymity, secure name resolution, 
censorship circumvention, and end-to-end-encryption. Making the server location 
known can allow for improved performance (by shorter circuits) and security (by 
enabling location-aware path selection by the client).

We’ve come up with the following suggestions for better terms, which we’d like 
to offer up for discussion:
        1. '''onion service''' should be preferred to refer to what is now 
called a "hidden service". If other flavors of onion services develop in the 
future, this term could refer to all of them, with more specific terms being 
used when it is necessary to make the distinction.
        2. '''onionsite''' should be preferred to refer to a website (i.e. an 
HTTP service serving up HTML) available as an onion service. This can be 
extended to other specific types of services, such as '''onion chatroom''', 
'''onion storage''', '''onion cloud service''', etc.
        3. '''onion address''' should be preferred to refer specifically to the 
xyz.onion address itself.
        4. '''onionspace''' should be used to refer to the set of available 
onion services. For example, you can say “my site is in onionspace” instead of 
“my site is in the Dark Web”.
        5. '''onion namespace''' should be used to refer to the set of onion 
addresses currently available or used "recently" (context-dependent).

We couldn’t decide on the best names for alternative onion service setups, 
because they don’t exist yet! But, we have some ideas about how these things 
might be named:
        1. Some names for a setup in which the onion service location is known 
but still must be connected to via the Tor protocol:
                * '''Tor-required service''', '''TRS''' for short
                * '''Direct onion service''', '''direct service''' for short
        2. Some names to specify that the onion service is hidden, if that 
becomes necessary:
                * '''Protected onion service''', '''protected service''' for 
                * '''Tor-protected service''', '''TPS''' for short
        3. Some names to specify that a client connects to an onion service 
                * '''Client-direct access'''
                * '''tor2web mode'''

We’re maintaining an evolving wikipage with the above suggestions [1]. Some of 
us are already beginning to use the suggested terminology, to see how it works 
out. One nice goal might be for Tor to choose the new terms that it likes (if 
any) and use them in the rollout of next-gen onion services [2]. So we’re 
bringing up this subject now to a larger segment of the Tor community. Thoughts?


[0] Including David Goulet, Rob Jansen, George Kadianakis, Karsten Loesing, and 
Paul Syverson
tor-dev mailing list

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