> On 24 Nov. 2016, at 11:04, Yawning Angel <yawn...@schwanenlied.me> wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Nov 2016 01:43:15 +0200
> s7r <s...@sky-ip.org> wrote:
>> I agree that this would be "the technical way" to do it, but real
>> world usability kind of prevents us to do it this way. The spec for
>> ADD_ONION indeed does not say that v2 hidden services will be
>> supported forever and it clearly SHOULD NOT, but it also doesn't make
>> much sense to abolish it at the first Tor release supporting v3
>> services (because if we make ADD_ONION == v3 (best) this is what we
>> are doing).
> Even I don't think `BEST` should be changed to Ed25519 immediately,
> especially when the code is being stabilized.

So I think we should have an option:

OnionServiceCreateV3 0|1

Create V3 onion services by default when using HiddenServiceDir and

Which defaults to 0 for at least the first release containing the new
code, and then defaults to 1 for at least one release, and then
is deprecated.

> ...


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

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