Hi there. I had an idea recently for an onion service to improve the UX of sites that require a login. The site would have two onions: one for those who want to use onion auth and another for those who don't or are still setting it up. A user would first sign in with a username+password on the unauthenticated onion and click a button to generate a certificate associated with their account. Then they would add the public key to their browser and visit the authenticated onion. The application server would then match the pubkey used to authenticate with an account in the database, and log them in automatically.

I've looked in the mailing list archives and `man 1 tor` but didn't find anything that would facilitate this. The closest, it seems, is HiddenServiceExportCircuitID, but that is for *circuit* IDs, not *client* IDs. Is this possible to implement, either as an operator or as a Tor developer?

As an operator, an alternative would be to generate one (authenticated) onion service per user and route them all to the same place with different Host headers, but that seems rather inefficient, and I don't know how well the tor daemon scales up to hundreds of onion services anyway.

P.S. I didn't find an easy way to do full text search on the mailing list archives, so I wrote a little script to download them all. I've attached it in case it ends up useful. It requires python3.8+ and you'll need to `pip install aiohttp anyio BeautifulSoup4` first. After that you can run `./pipermail_fetch.py https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/` and then something like `rg --context 3 --search-zip '^[^>].*search term here'` will do the trick.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0

import io
import sys
import anyio
import aiohttp
import platform
import contextlib
from yarl import URL
import importlib.util
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Iterable, Union

HAVE_LXML = bool(importlib.util.find_spec('lxml'))

USER_AGENT = '; '.join((
	'aiohttp/' + aiohttp.__version__,

class MailingList:
	"""usually the same as the local part of the list's email address"""
	name: str
	"""links to all the full text archives of the list"""
	text_urls: Iterable[Union[URL, str]]

async def amain():
	archive_page_url = sys.argv[1]
	async with \
		aiohttp.ClientSession(headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT}) as http, \
		anyio.create_task_group() as tg \
		async with http.get(archive_page_url) as resp:
			soup = BeautifulSoup(await resp.text(), 'lxml' if HAVE_LXML else 'html.parser')

		list = parse_mailing_list(resp.url, soup)
		output_dir = anyio.Path(resp.url.host) / list.name
		await output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
		for url in list.text_urls:
			tg.start_soon(fetch, http, output_dir, url)


def parse_mailing_list(url, soup):
	title = soup.find('title').text
	# format: The <name> Archives
	title = title.removeprefix('The ').removesuffix(' Archives')
	# use .join instead of / in case the href is absolute 🙄
	# weird that pathlib supports `absolute / absolute` but yarl doesn't
	return MailingList(title, text_urls=(url.join(URL(a.attrs['href'])) for a in soup.select('td:last-child a')))

async def fetch(http, output_dir, link):
	async with \
		await (out_path := output_dir / link.name).open('ab') as outf, \
		http.get(link) as resp \
		with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
			if int(resp.headers['Content-Length']) == (await out_path.stat()).st_size:
				# we already have the whole file

		await outf.seek(0)
		await outf.truncate()  # download resumption is not supported yet
		await acopyfile(resp.content, outf)

	print('.', end='', file=sys.stderr, flush=True)

async def acopyfile(inf, outf, buf_size=io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
	while (chunk := await inf.read(buf_size)):
		await outf.write(chunk)

def main(): anyio.run(amain)

if __name__ == '__main__':
tor-dev mailing list

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