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On Tuesday, December 7th, 2021 at 9:21 AM, <yanma...@cock.li> wrote:

> On 2021-08-23 20:56, cho8jeiv4aus at paperboats.net wrote:
> > Hi there. I had an idea recently for an onion service to improve the UX
> >
> > of sites that require a login. The site would have two onions: one for
> >
> > those who want to use onion auth and another for those who don't or are
> >
> > still setting it up. A user would first sign in with a
> >
> > username+password
> >
> > on the unauthenticated onion and click a button to generate a
> >
> > certificate associated with their account. Then they would add the
> >
> > public key to their browser and visit the authenticated onion. The
> >
> > application server would then match the pubkey used to authenticate
> >
> > with
> >
> > an account in the database, and log them in automatically.
> As for your case, you could maybe try client-side TLS certificates.
> I've had a similar idea for DoS protection. You have two onions, call
> them "open" and "closed".
> In the good times, you go to the "open" onion and register. It gives you
> a client authentication password for "closed" and redirects you there.
> On subsequent logins, you just go straight to the "closed" onion. (In
> theory, it's enough to have the key get you to the login screen - it
> doesn't actually have to replace authentication)
> Then, when the attack comes, it will take down the "open" onion.
> However, the "closed" onion is protected by client auth, and can be
> rate-limited by key.
> The only thing that would be needed for this is a special version of
> client authorization that allows the server to see which key is
> connecting, as opposed to "some key but you don't know which for privacy
> reasons".
> > As an operator, an alternative would be to generate one (authenticated)
> >
> > onion service per user and route them all to the same place with
> >
> > different Host headers, but that seems rather inefficient, and I don't
> >
> > know how well the tor daemon scales up to hundreds of onion services
> >
> > anyway.
> That's not great for the network.
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